Issue: Citizens United

19 posts found

Alerts and Updates WVCCE January 22, 2021
We Need Your Voice and Your Support
Whether it's calling members of Congress, writing a letter to editor, or signing the WV NAACP’s petition calling for the removal and disbarment of Attorney General Patrick Morrisey we need your voice to hold our elected officials accountable, expand and protect voting rights, and create a democracy that is representative of all Americans’ voices and values. More
Issues: Citizens UnitedDemocracyFair CourtsVoting Rights
WVCCE Blog WVCCE May 29, 2020
Election Day: The Countdown is On and You Can Help Move Others to Action!
In the 2020 primary election, West Virginians across the state will be able to exercise their right to vote for an unprecedented 3 out of 5 justices on the WV Supreme Court. We need your help getting the word out about and we only have 10 days left to do so. Don't be fooled, be informed, educate others, and be certain to cast your vote on or before June 9. More
Issues: Citizens UnitedClean ElectionsDark MoneyDemocracyJudicial IndependenceWV Supreme Court
WVCCE Blog Julie Archer January 29, 2020
Our Voice, Our Votes, Our Courts: What We Could Gain and What’s At Stake
Several bills that advance the goals of the Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform have been introduced and the list keeps growing. In addition to bills that are part of the platform we are also monitoring other legislative proposals related to our courts. Here’s a glimpse at some of these bills, what we have to gain if some reforms are passed, and what’s at stake if others advance. More
Issues: Citizens UnitedClean ElectionsDark MoneyDemocracyDisclosureFair CourtsVoting Rights
Alerts and Updates WVCCE January 21, 2020
Post-Citizens United, We Can Make Democracy Healthy Again
In spite of the decision, there are things we can do to make democracy healthy again but it will take political will and the power of the people demanding change. We can restore balance to a system skewed in favor of the wealthy and special interests by implementing reforms like those included in our Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform, and give everyday people a stronger voice in our elections.   More
Issues: Citizens UnitedDark MoneyDemocracyDisclosurePublic FinancingSecret MoneyTransparency
Press Release WVCCE October 22, 2018
Film Screening & Discussion to Highlight Need for Reform
Dark money groups spend millions to shape our elections at all levels of government without revealing where their money comes from. But it doesn't have to be this way. ‘Dark Money’ ( takes viewers to Montana to follow an intrepid local journalist working to expose the real-life impacts of the US Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision. The film also shows how attorneys, elected officials, and local activists in Montana fought back and won. Come see the film and be inspired to help us fight big money in West Virginia elections More
Issues: Citizens UnitedClean ElectionsDark MoneyDemocracyDisclosure
WVCCE Blog WVCCE October 1, 2018
Join Us in October for a Screening of ‘Dark Money’
Join us at the Underground Cinema by WVIFF for October's Movies That Matter Monday's Film, 'Dark Money,' a political thriller that examines one of the greatest present threats to American democracy: the influence of untraceable corporate money on our elections and elected officials. But the citizens of one state won’t allow their democracy to be dismantled without a fight. You can join them. More
Issues: Citizens UnitedClean ElectionsDark MoneyDemocracySecret Money
WVCCE Blog Julie Archer November 3, 2016
W.Va. outside spending reaches $19.2 million
Five days from the election, outside spending in West Virginia elections has reached $19.2 million this election cycle. Outside groups have reported spending an additional $4.1 million dollars over the past week. More
Issues: Citizens UnitedClean ElectionsDemocracyDisclosureSecret Money
Press Release Julie Archer October 28, 2016
Outside groups spend more than $15 million on W.Va. elections
After spending $5.6 million during the last presidential election year, outside groups have reported spending more than $15 million on West Virginia elections so far in 2016 — closely rivaling the $16.3 million in reported spending by candidates for executive, legislative, and judicial offices. This year’s outside spending by race breaks down as follows: Attorney General - $5.3, Governor - $3.7, Supreme Court - $3.6 million. Third party organizations have also spent $2.4 million in various state Senate races. More
Issues: Citizens UnitedDark MoneyDemocracyDisclosureSecret Money
WVCCE Blog Julie Archer September 26, 2016
The EPA’s Clean Power Plan: Did you know?
As the arguments over the legality of the EPA's Clean Power Plan get underway, here are some important things to remember. When polluters spend millions to influence our elected officials and judges to strike down clean air standards, we pay the price with chronic asthma. More
Issues: Citizens UnitedDark MoneyDisclosureHealthSecret Money
WVCCE Blog Julie Archer September 1, 2016
Vigilant companies can avert Watergate scandal replay
The Watergate Hotel reopened recently after a sparkling $125 million facelift, complete with guest key cards saying, “No need to break in.” For well-heeled business leaders visiting there, a pithier epigram might be, “Influence buying has a price.” Decades later, it is too easily forgotten that 12 corporations and 17 corporate executives ultimately were indicted […] More
Issues: Citizens UnitedDark MoneyDemocracySecret Money
Coporations are not people
WVCCE Blog Julie Archer August 3, 2016
Speak Up! We Need Senator Manchin to Support Democracy Reforms
In Congress, some lawmakers have proposed solutions to put regular voters back in control of our elections: The We the People package and the Fair Elections Now Act. This is our chance to be heard. Tell Senator Manchin to put everyday Americans first and cosponsor the We the People package and the Fair Elections Now Act. More
Issues: Citizens UnitedClean ElectionsDark MoneyDemocracyDisclosurePublic FinancingSecret Money
Press Release Julie Archer May 12, 2016
Special Interests Win in Supreme Court Takeover
Wealthy special interests win in West Virginia Supreme Court race, but without full knowledge of who was behind outside efforts to elevate Beth Walker. Our judges should be selected on their merits not on attack ads or money spent by special interests. More
Issues: Citizens UnitedClean ElectionsDisclosureFair CourtsPublic FinancingSecret MoneyWV Supreme Court
WVCCE Blog Julie Archer April 6, 2016
Join us in DC April 16-18 for Democracy Awakening!
Later this month, thousands of people will be coming together in our nation's capital to demand a democracy that works for all of us – where our votes are not denied and money doesn’t buy access and power. More
Issues: Citizens UnitedClean ElectionsDemocracyDisclosurePublic FinancingVoting Rights
WV Capitol
WVCCE Blog Julie Archer January 22, 2016
Meaningful Disclosure of Campaign Cash Needed
If the Legislature wants to get serious about disclosure of campaign cash, they should make sure every secret money group – liberal and conservative – attempting to sway election results has to disclose where the money came from. Our right to know who is influencing our elections is not a partisan issue. No matter your political beliefs, we all benefit when we know what is going on in the government. More
Issues: Citizens UnitedClean ElectionsDark MoneyPublic Financing
WVCCE Blog Julie Archer November 3, 2015
Fair Courts: Money, politics tipping scales of justice?
If you went to court tomorrow, would you ultimately get a fair and impartial decision? Or are the scales of justice tilted by special interests spending big and playing dirty in efforts to shape elected courts to their liking? A new national report underscores the troubling answer to these questions. Bankrolling the Bench: The New […] More
Issues: Citizens UnitedClean ElectionsDark MoneyFair CourtsPublic FinancingWV Supreme Court
Press Release Julie Archer July 17, 2015
CMD Denounces Corrupt John Doe Ruling From Conflicted Court
Madison, WI--Today, the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned the state’s limits on money in politics, opening the door to unlimited, undisclosed spending coordinated directly with candidates, and handing Scott Walker a significant political victory as he begins his run for the White House. More
Issues: Citizens UnitedDark Money
WV Citizens for Clean Elections
WVCCE Blog WVCCE April 14, 2014
Latest Supreme Court Ruling: Constitutional Amendment Could Fix this Mess
Another disappointing ruling came down from the the U.S. Supreme Court under Chief Justice Roberts lastweek, in which Big Money scored a major victory against average citizens. In McCutcheon v. FEC, the court struck down contribution limits for what one individual can contribute to political campaigns and party committees during an election cycle. More
Issues: Citizens UnitedClean Elections
WVCCE Blog WVCCE April 10, 2014
Silver Lining in Citizen’s United
If there was a ‘silver lining’ in the 2010 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. the FEC, it’s that the court overwhelming affirmed that state can require those who ‘pay to play’ in our elections to fully disclose their financial sources. One comprehensive bill (HB 4463) relating to the disclosure of information on campaign contributions and spending, was introduced last session. More
Issues: Citizens United
Press Release WVCCE January 21, 2010
U.S. Supreme Court Strikes Down Campaign Finance Laws: Citizens United Decision Could Unleash Flood of Money in Federal and State Elections
Charleston, WV —The U.S. Supreme Court today released its decision in the case Citizens United v. FEC, striking down a ban on independent expenditures by corporations. Today's decision will significantly expand the role of corporate money in elections and repealed more than 100 years of campaign finance law. More
Issues: Citizens United