Press Releases

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Press Release Julie Archer November 16, 2022
West Virginia Voters Win With Defeat of Amendment 1
Under the changes proposed in Amendment 1, an extremist state legislature could have removed any public servant – and overturned the will of the people – without due process. We're proud of West Virginia voters for coming together and defending their right to democracy. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDemocracyFair Courts
Press Release Julie Archer October 31, 2022
Clean Election Groups Across the Country Condemn Voter Intimidation Activities
State-based grassroots organizations working for clean elections and promoting transparent and accountable government in Texas, West Virginia, North Carolina, California, Minnesota and Maine today condemned a secretive group, run by a QAnon believer and supported by Steve Bannon, that has engaged in voter harassment and intimidation activities in Arizona. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDemocracyVoting Rights
Press Release Julie Archer September 28, 2022
Amendment No. 1 Would Destroy Checks and Balances in W.V.
Amendment No. 1 would make it so that no court in the state could intervene to protect the right to a fair hearing of a public official facing impeachment, no matter how frivolous the charge or constitutionally flawed the process. In the hands of a partisan majority, this new power could be abused to oust political opponents without cause, thereby eroding existing checks and balances between the three branches of government and undercutting public trust in the political process.  More
Issues: DemocracyFair CourtsJudicial Independence
Press Release Julie Archer January 27, 2022
WVCCE Launches Campaign to Inform West Virginians That They May Have Been Removed from the Voter Rolls
WVCCE has launched a program to inform 20,000 West Virginians across the state that their names may have been removed from the voter rolls through a new direct mail campaign. The campaign communicates to West Virginians whose names have been removed from the voter rolls according to data provided by the Secretary of State. The campaign encourages these individuals to double check their registration status. If they remain eligible to vote, the mailers provide information on how to re-register so they may vote in this year’s elections. More
Issues: DemocracyVoting Rights
Press Release Julie Archer August 12, 2021
With Release of Redistricting Data, WVCCE Highlights the Role of Fair Courts in the Ensuring Fair Districts
With the the release local-level data, WV Citizens for Clean Elections is emphasizing the key role fair and impartial courts will play in the redistricting process, serving as a bulwark against efforts from lawmakers looking to divide neighborhoods and silence certain voices for their own political gain. In short, fair courts ensure fair districts. More
Issues: Fair CourtsRedistricting
Press Release Julie Archer June 21, 2021
Virtual Town Hall on Protecting Our Courts and the Freedom to Vote
The West Virginia Citizens for Clean Elections coalition will host a statewide virtual town hall with representatives from the West Virginia AFL-CIO, Brennan Center for Justice TONIGHT, Monday, June 21, at 7 p.m. to highlight how state-level attacks on judicial independence are interconnected with the fight to protect the freedom to vote. More
Issues: DemocracyFair CourtsJudicial IndependenceVoting Rights
Press Release Julie Archer June 11, 2021
Virtual Proceedings Pose Challenges to Judicial Fairness
If not handled properly, remote video proceedings can cause serious damage to litigants’ rights, making it impossible to guarantee West Virginians a fair day in court. West Virginia’s new, powerful intermediate appellate court is set to begin operations in July 2022. In May, state Supreme Court Chief Justice Evan Jenkins announced his intention of making the court entirely virtual, without offering any information on what the court would do to mitigate the potential harms of ending in-person proceedings.  More
Issues: Criminal JusticeFair Courts
Press Release WVCCE June 3, 2021
West Virginians Need to Know Their Judges Are Being Picked for the Right Reasons
Precious little information has been released to the public about the West Virginia Intermediate Court of Appeals, which is set to begin operations in July 2022. Among the omissions is a clear criteria for how members of the court will be selected. West Virginians deserve to know when and why judges are being picked for their jobs. A public set of criteria will help prevent any direct or indirect political favoritism, safeguard the integrity of the court and preserve public confidence in our judiciary. More
Issues: Fair CourtsJudicial IndependenceTransparency
Press Release WVCCE May 27, 2021
West Virginians Deserve Full Transparency on Intermediate Court
Courts can only be considered fair and impartial if they are created and staffed in a fair and impartial manner. To ensure the public’s trust and confidence in the West Virginia Intermediate Court of Appeals, it’s imperative that the governor’s office provide a public calendar or schedule outlining the appointment process along with clear criteria for potential appointments. More
Issues: Fair CourtsJudicial IndependenceTransparency
Press Release WVCCE February 18, 2021
HJR 2 Is A Dangerous Solution Looking for A Problem
HJR 2 would cut loose future impeachment proceedings of the state legislature from all constitutional restraint. The amendment would make it so that no court in the state could intervene to protect the right to a fair hearing of a public official facing impeachment, no matter how frivolous the charge or constitutionally flawed the process. In the hands of a partisan majority, this new power could be abused to oust political opponents without cause, thereby eroding existing checks and balances between the three branches of government and undercutting public trust in the political process.  More
Issues: Fair CourtsJudicial Independence
Press Release WVCCE July 29, 2020
WV Groups, Community Leaders Call on Governor, Secretary of State and County Clerks to Replicate Primary Election Voting and Absentee Ballot Request Options
A coalition of voting rights advocates and community leaders representing poor and impacted communities across West Virginia is calling on Governor Jim Justice and state and local election officials to provide further clarity to the state’s voters regarding their plans to ensure a safe, accessible, and secure election and to mailing absentee ballot applications to those voters as was done in the primary election. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsHealthVoting Rights
Press Release Julie Archer July 16, 2020
Editorial Memo: Funding is Critical to Ensuring Free, Fair and Safe Elections
The election is just months away, and West Virginia and other states are running out of time to make critical purchases and plans to ensure free, fair and safe elections. State and federal leaders must urgently invest in and put in place changes across the country so all Americans have equal access to the ballot box, and no American has to choose between their safety and their vote.  More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDemocracyHealthVoting Rights
Press Release WVCCE April 28, 2020
WVCCE Launches Website for 2020 WV Supreme Court Elections
The West Virginia Supreme Court races are among the most important on our June 9 ballot. Our courts are powerful, and they matter. Our rights as voters, workers, parents and community members depend on the decisions of our elected judges. It is imperative that we are better informed about our courts and the judicial candidates so that we can use our right to vote effectively, More
Issues: DemocracyFair CourtsJudicial IndependenceVoting RightsWV Supreme Court
Press Release WVCCE August 2, 2019
Stand Up for Voting Rights – Media Advisory
On Voting Rights Act Anniversary, State and Community Leaders Call on Congress to Restore the Law. 12:15 p.m. on Tuesday, August 6, 2019, Outside the Robert C. Byrd Federal Courthouse, 300 Virginia St E., Charleston, WV 25301. This press conference and rally marks the anniversary of the Voting Rights Act (VRA). We’ll call on Congress to restore the protections in the VRA and ensure that every eligible voter can make their voice heard free from discrimination.  More
Issues: DemocracyFair CourtsVoting Rights
Press Release WVCCE March 7, 2019
WV Legislature poised to bring MORE money, LESS transparency into our politics
Despite the way practically every West Virginia voter — Republican or Democrat — feels about the state of our politics and money's role in it, West Virginia politicians are charging ahead with SB 622 — the bill no one asked for. No one except wealthy special interests, of course. SB 622 will give more power over our government to the richest few, lobbyists, and wealthy special interests. West Virginia should be a model of government by the people, not for the wealthiest few. The Legislature should shoot down SB 622 and give the people of West Virginia a real voice in our government through the Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDark MoneyDemocracyDisclosureTransparency
Press Release WVCCE October 22, 2018
Film Screening & Discussion to Highlight Need for Reform
Dark money groups spend millions to shape our elections at all levels of government without revealing where their money comes from. But it doesn't have to be this way. ‘Dark Money’ ( takes viewers to Montana to follow an intrepid local journalist working to expose the real-life impacts of the US Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision. The film also shows how attorneys, elected officials, and local activists in Montana fought back and won. Come see the film and be inspired to help us fight big money in West Virginia elections More
Issues: Citizens UnitedClean ElectionsDark MoneyDemocracyDisclosure
Press Release Julie Archer September 17, 2018
WV Citizens for Clean Elections to Launch Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform
We're launching a campaign to build support for common sense solutions that they say can put state government on a path to solving problems that affect all West Virginians. The Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform would increase accountability and transparency in West Virginia elections, make voting more accessible to all  citizens, limit the influence of big money in our politics, ensure fairness and impartiality in our courts, and increase citizen participation in the electoral process. Our growing campaign already has thirty-seven legislative candidates from across the aisle supporting reform agenda to make W.Va. politics clean, fair and accountable. The list includes Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, as well as Libertarian and Mountain party candidates. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDemocracyVoting Rights
Press Release WVCCE September 10, 2018
Petition demands fair, transparent judicial elections
With impeachment trials for current and former members of the WV Supreme Court of Appeals set begin in the State Senate tomorrow, WV Citizens for Clean Elections is worried that the legislative response to the recent spending scandal could enable a single party, through a pre-planned partisan impeachment process, to seize control of the third branch of Government for the next two years. We are urging West Virginians to sign the Our Court, Our Vote petition, which is addressed to Governor Jim Justice and members of the WV Legislature, and which demands a prompt and transparent special election for any open seats on the Supreme Court. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDisclosureFair CourtsTransparencyWV Supreme Court
Press Release WVCCE June 13, 2018
Supreme Court scandal highlights need to improve trust in the judiciary
The recent Supreme Court spending scandal and charges against Supreme Court Justice Allen Loughry are an opportunity to implement reforms to improve confidence in both the judicial system and the electoral process. West Virginians are rightly furious over Justice Loughry’s behavior, but we know they are also worried about another threat to public trust in the judiciary — the secret special-interest money in judicial elections. In both cases, transparency has to be a part of the solution. The court must bring transparency to the judicial budgeting process and legislators must seize this opportunity to bring disclosure to the secret money being used to influence our votes. More
Issues: DisclosureFair CourtsSecret MoneyTransparencyWV Supreme Court
Press Release WVCCE June 6, 2018
Workshop on Role of the Courts in Protecting Democracy, Fundamental Rights – June 18 in Charleston
WV Citizens for Clean Elections and the WV Association for Justice are hosting a free workshop on the role of the courts in protecting our democracy and our fundamental rights. Through a series of interactive discussions and presentations, participants will leave with knowledge about who sits on the bench in West Virginia, how judges are selected/elected, threats to judicial independence, and actions to strengthen and protect the impartiality of our courts. The free workshop will be held Monday, June 18 in Charleston at the Four Points Sheraton and includes an appetizer buffet reception. Attendees are asked to please register in advance. More
Issues: DemocracyFair CourtsWV Supreme Court
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