12-22 |
Big spending failed to
sway W.Va. voters |
12-18 |
White addresses 'dirty election' at area luncheon |
12-17 |
Blankenship's spending rivaled House,
exceeded Senate field |
11-24 |
Mining CEO seeks stacked regulatory
deck |
11-23 |
Dems Must End Legalized Bribery of
Campaign Finance |
11-17 |
Truth In Advertising |
11-9 |
Blankenship hurt GOP, chairman says |
11-8 |
Blankenship fails to sway legislative races |
11-6 |
Blankenship's money key
in statehouse races |
11-6 |
Green outspending Weeks in 9th District battle |
11-5 |
Is the West Virginia Legislature for sale? |
11-5 |
Blankenship money shakes up sleepy races: Turnout
could determine control of Legislature |
11-3 |
Who's Buying Congress Now |
11-1 |
Fixing Democracy:
The Clean Election Movement |
11-1 |
Campaign costs rising, filings show |
10-31 |
Blankenship Election Spending Nears $2 Million |
10-30 |
Statehouse power at stake in '06 |
10-27 |
Final campaign finance reports show incumbents leading
10-25 |
Pull the Plug on E-Voting |
10-24 |
Candidates for House spar over money from Blankenship |
10-23 |
Byrd-Raese contest priciest W.Va. race |
10-22 |
Wealthy Coal Executive Hopes to Turn Democratic West
Virginia Republican
10-20 |
Votes for Sale? |
10-20 |
Two for the money: When McConnell's pull fails, his
Labor secretary wife fills in |
10-18 |
Look Who's Signed the Clean Election
Pledge! |
10-15 |
Senator's pet issue: money and the power it buys |
10-11 |
Virginia Businessman Finances Campaigns
10-3 |
Instead of buying votes, we’re selling candidates |
10-1 |
Pollsters’ new tactic: profiling: Right-leaning
surveys ‘micro-target’ voters |
10-1 |
Campaign Cash Mirrors a High Court’s Rulings |
10-1 |
Case Studies: West Virginia and Illinois |
9-25 |
Vast political money |
9-22 |
Blankenship says Casey ‘lying’ about illegal workers |
9-22 |
GOP leaders blasts 527s: Groups have no contribution
limit, congressman says |
9-20 |
Why won't Sobonya back clean elections? |
9-20 |
Group targets Mingo delegate: White questions source
of support for foundation |
9-19 |
The Blankenship Factor |
9-17 |
JANET KEATING: Is Blankenship's concern really for
'sake of the kids'? |
9-17 |
Report show modest fund-raising in legislative races
9-16 |
Mike Green has spent over a quarter of a million
dollars in state Senate seat race |
9-15 |
Starn accepts Blankenship’s contribution |
9-10 |
W.Va. Legislature Election Preview: House races center
stage: Blankenship’s vow to unseat Dems heats up usually sedate campaign |
9-6 |
Blankenship's Money at Center of Political Debate |
9-6 |
Republicans divided on Blankenship |
9-1 |
Casey speaks against Blankenship |
9-1 |
Dems: State is not for sale |
9-1 |
Republican Scott returns Blankenship donation |
8-20 |
GOP's Financial Edge Shrinks |
8-18 |
Reform Worth Rescuing |
8-13 |
GOP’s Raese activates ‘millionaire’s provision’: Byrd,
already well ahead, can triple his fundraising after opponent adds funds |
8-11 |
Massey sues state Supreme Court |
8-11 |
Massey Energy Sues W.Va. Supreme Court |
8-6 |
Governors' Groups Tops in Raising Cash |
8-4 |
State lobbyists randomly selected for Ethics audits |
8-3 |
‘For the Sake of the Kids’ Blankenship should give
back some of his millions |
7-31 |
How our current campaign finance system breeds
political corruption |
7-27 |
President hears cheers, jeers: Bush helps raise money
for Capito |
7-26 |
Bush helps raise $500,000 for West Virginia
congresswoman |
7-21 |
Payola: Don't conceal it |
7-21 |
Republican Raese raises funds in-state |
7-21 |
Byrd holds fundraising edge over Raese |
7-19 |
Mollohan, Wakim report contributions |
7-19 |
In-state donors aid Capito, Callaghan |
7-18 |
Campaign funds, politics -- watch out |
7-16 |
Tiny minority funds state campaigns, report says |
6-29 |
Coal-Mining Contributions in the States |
6-28 |
Blow To Fair Elections |
6-27 |
High Court Strikes
State's Campaign Fund Limits |
6-27 |
Cabell library to show election documentary |
6-26 |
Justices Block Vermont Campaign Finance Law |
6-25 |
Weeks, Green spar over gambling money |
6-24 |
Mingo County senate race costs a whopping $350K |
6-22 |
Do you know where your candidates stand on climate
change? |
6-21 |
Public Campaign and other national partners
launch their “Seize the Moment Campaign |
6-21 |
National survey of Democrats and Republicans
indicates that the American Public overwhelmingly supports Clean Elections |
6-19 |
Coal chief, gambling spend big in primary |
6-18 |
Dictionary of deceit: Author compiles thick volume on
W.Va.'s corrupt political leaders |
6-9 |
Exit |
6-6 |
Privately Funded Trips Add Up on Capitol Hill: Report:
$50 Million Spent in 2000-2005 |
6-5 |
Feds to take flying squirrel off endangered species
list |
6-4 |
Global Warming vs. Election Integrity |
6-1 |
Coal-Mining Contributions in the States (pdf) |
6-1 |
Rigging the rules in their favor |
5-31 |
Gale Norton in
Slacks: Dirk's Dirty Money |
5-20 |
State campaign laws could be eclipsed, panelist says |
5-19 |
527 Group Fundraising Grew More Slowly in First
Quarter of 2006 than 2004 |
5-17 |
Voter-Owned Election (VOE) Brings
People-Powered Politics to Portland |
5-16 |
Some disagree about election spending laws |
5-8 |
Lobbyist spending reports come in |
5-7 |
Legislative races rake in $3.2 million as primary
draws near |
5-5 |
W.Va. deserves clean elections |
5-4 |
With Just Minutes Left, CT Legislature Approves CE Fix |
5-2 |
Clean Elections Meeting Notice |
4-19 |
Mollohan fills his war chest |
4-17 |
W.Va., Minn. have similar problem |
4-16 |
Newcomer helps put Senate race at top in spending |
4-12 |
Political cash: Mollohan allegations |
4-12 |
Frivolous rumors hurt our legal representatives |
4-10 |
Candidates amass $1.9 million |
4-7 |
Bill Moyers: A Culture
of Corruption |
4-4 |
Closer, But Still No Cigar |
3-26 |
W.Va. sets standard for 527s |
3-24 |
Secretary Nominee Mined Industries for Campaign Cash |
3-22 |
for Heresy |
3-8 |
Hidden Ties: Big
Environmental Changes Backed by Big Industry |
3-3 |
Clean Elections Dead Again
Update |
2-28 |
Action Alert on Clean Elections! |
2-24 |
Fate of Clean Elections Uncertain
Update By Julie Archer |
2-24 |
Discussion but no action on campaign financing |
2-24 |
Public financing of campaigns bill appears dead |
2-24 |
Campaign finance reform works, Arizona official says
2-16 |
Clean Elections Clears Senate Judiciary, Needs Your
Help in Senate Finance Update By Julie Archer |
2-13 |
A Coal CEO's Unusual Pastime: Firing Up West Virginia
Politics |
2-13 |
Senate panel endorses publicly funded campaigns |
2-3 |
Clean Elections ...Legislation on Track
Update By Julie Archer |
2-3 |
527 Groups to Play By New Rules; Some disclosure
issues may remain from 2004 election for consumers group. |
1-27 |
Critical Vote for “Clean Elections”; Ask Senators to
Support S.B. 124 Update By Julie Archer |
1-25 |
It's time for Democrats to put up
or shut up |
1-22 |
Some House Democrats seek election public funds |
1-20 |
Clean Elections Needs Your Help!
Update By Julie Archer |
1-19 |
Bribery; Washington sleaze |
1-16 |
Blankenship takingaim at Bob Kiss |
1-13 |
Summary of West Virginia Public Campaign Financing Act
(pdf) 1/13 |
1-13 |
"Clean" Can Be "Green"
1-9 |
Coal companies are big political donors |
1-3 |
Mine Safety a Matter of Politics; Lax enforcement from
Washington is no accident |