This article originally provided by WV Metro News

September 19, 2006

The Blankenship Factor

MetroNews Talkline


Massey Energy's Chief Executive Officer says he's already spent $300,000 targeting certain House of Delegates candidates ahead of the November General Election.

And Don Blankenship says he'll spend more in the less than two months before Election Day. "The exact number is not the important thing," said Blankenship. "The important thing is whether West Virginians get an improved state, and whether it's $2 million, $3 million, $4 million, that's not what matters."

Blankenship says his supporters are going door-to-door, talking with thousands of residents about the voting records of many House incumbents.

He's also running a series of commercials and preparing direct mail efforts. "Right now, most of it's just hard work, behind the scenes, getting ready to inform the public as to the individual positions and votes of different House of Delegates members."

Blankenship was a guest on Monday's MetroNews Talkline.

He maintains that he is not attacking a specific party. "The issue is not Democrat, Republican. The issue is that we're 50th in the nation in job creation, first in child abuse, and that we are not improving rapidly enough."

That's why he says he does not understand why he is being attacked personally for his involvement in the campaign season.

"I don't hope to gain anything personally out of it," he says. "I don't need anything. I needed help years and years ago like so many people in West Virginia do now, but I don't really need any help, so I think that should calm them to some extent."

Blankenship says he's simply after change. Dozens of House of Delegates candidates are being targeted.

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