This article originally provided by
The Williamson Daily News
December 18, 2006
White addresses 'dirty election' at area luncheon
WEST WILLIAMSON - Mingo County Delegate Harry Keith White started his address
to the Chamber of Commerce by saying he had just went through a “dirty
White, who was reelected to his House seat in November, was speaking about the
campaign that Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship ran against him and other
incumbent legislators.
“It was an outright assault on me and other delegates,” White said of the
heated election advertisements. “One individual sought to by West Virginia and
Mingo County. He said he was going to teach people who was the king of Mingo
“You know what, he did,” White continued. “It was you all sitting out there.
With your support, we're able to carry on with work in Mingo County
today.”“Working together is how we got to where we are today,” he added. “We
tried to run a positive campaign as much we could. Sometimes it's hard to do
that with all the media out there that's going on.”
White, who had the highest winning percentage of all the delegates that ran for
reelection talked about some of the issues he says the House will work on next
“The people in our district spoke out,” White said.
“Let me talk about change,” White said. “In this case it's good - on the federal
level, state level and the local level.”
He talked about the heated race for Speaker of the House.
Rick Thompson of Wayne County won that battle. He replaces Bob Kiss of Raleigh
County who did not seek reelection.
“I've known Rick for a long time,” White said of the attorney. “He knows what it
takes to make things happen.”
The House is currently in transition, and Thompson does not take over until
January 10. White said he does not know who his vice-chairman will be as House
Finance Chairman.
He hopes to get fellow Mingo County Delegate Steve Kominar on the important
“The media needs to get more positive,” White says.
He indicated a lot of good things have and are happening for Mingo County. White
gave as examples, the new DHHR building in downtown Williamson, located
alongside a relatively new DMV and State Police buildings.
White says that he and his fellow Mingo Countians abide by the “SIR acronym -
seniority, integrity and respect.”
“When you are in position to get things done,” White said. “When the opportunity
comes along - you are able to take that position and be qualified.”
White took a jab at talk radio - calling them “naysayers.”
He indicated that much of the time, the delegates must “first protect what we
already have.”
White talked about how important seniority is in the senate and house, and that
Mingo County now has three veteran legislators.
“We have some input in the senate and the governor's office,” White said.
He said the agenda for next year is still in the works.