January 11, 2008
Clean Elections Update
The coalition partners of West Virginia Citizens for Clean Elections are
ready to roll with our Public Campaign Financing Act again during the 2008
session. We have spoken with almost all our Senate and House sponsors of last
year’s bill and are finding them very willing to sponsor again. We have a great
core group of supporters with which to work! Lead sponsors will be Senator Jeff
Kessler and Delegate John Doyle.
This year, we will be focusing our attention on the House, hoping to move the
bill there after a couple of frustrating sessions in Senate Finance Committee.
Coalition members will be doing everything we can to educate more Delegates and
Senators about the bill, and the advantages it offers to both citizens and
candidates. And we very much need you to contact your representatives and let
them know you support public financing for West Virginia campaigns!
If we want public policy that reflects our desires and values, we need to be
able to elect people with good ideas, not just people with big campaign war
chests. Public financing frees elected officials from constantly chasing
campaign contributions and allows them to spend more time hearing from their
constituents. Citizens already pay for elections through special deals and
incentive packages provided to large campaign donors. Doesn’t it make more sense
to spend the five dollars per household it would cost for public financing and
greatly reduce this special interest influence?
Be sure to check out our website, where a new Clean Elections brochure, an
updated fact sheet “Support Fair and Clean Elections,” and blank copies of our
petition are available,
http://www.wvoter-owned.org. Weekly updates during the legislative session
will be posted on the website as well.
Another exciting piece of news is that we have been given an opportunity for
a Challenge Matching Grant by the Piper Foundation. If we can raise $15,000 by
March 1, we will receive $15,000 in matching funds. These challenge grants
are the main source of funding for our clean elections work, so meeting the goal
is extremely important. Some exciting special events are in the planning stages!
Your help would be greatly appreciated! Contributions may be sent to OVEC
(P.O. Box 6753, Huntington, WV 25773) or WV Citizen Action (1500 Dixie St.,
Charleston, WV 25311). Thanks for your support!