March 19, 2009
Clean Elections Update
Dear Clean Elections Supporters:
We are fast approaching the deadline for pieces of legislation to move from
their committee and Chamber of origin. If our Public Campaign Financing Act
(H2764) is not taken up this coming week, it will die in committee. So if you
have not made your calls to the members of Subcommittee A (below), please do so
as soon as possible. If you’ve called already, please consider calling again!
Del. Barbara Fleischauer, Chair (D-Monongalia) - 340-3169
Del. Bonnie Brown (D -Kanawha) - 340-3106
Del. Mike Caputo (D-Marion) - 340-3249
Del. Patrick Lane (R-Kanawha) - 340-3275
Del. Patti Schoen (R-Putnam) - 340-3141
Del. Sally Susman (D-Raleigh) -340-3183
Del. Robert Tabb (D-Jefferson) - 340-3274
The public financing legislation for Supreme Court Justices (S311) is still
under discussion with House sponsors who are interested in moving the proposal
forward. We are hopeful that this bill will be worked out and bought up for
consideration next week.
Don’t forget our two upcoming events, at which we invite you to join us! Please
let us know if you need more information or directions:
Sunday, March 22 at 9:30 AM - Julie Archer will speak about Clean Elections to
the Unitarian Universalist discussion group in Charleston (500 Kanawha Blvd. W.)
Saturday, March 28 at 10:00 AM - Carol Warren will speak, and Labor Council
members will participate in a panel discussion of Clean Elections, in the
basement conference room at the Marshall Student Center, Huntington. A
continental breakfast will be provided.
Thanks for all your help - and please make those calls!
Carol Warren
WV Citizens for Clean Elections
(304) 847-5121