This article originally provided by The Herald-Dispatch

July 21, 2006

Byrd holds fundraising edge over Raese

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) -- U.S. Sen. Robert Byrd raised twice as much campaign money as Republican challenger John Raese in the latest reporting period.

Still, Raese said his fundraising effort "is going pretty good in the state of West Virginia right now."

Byrd's campaign reported raising $480,807 from April 20 to June 30, including $378,380.68 in contributions from individuals and $100,686.35 from political action committees. Byrd, D-W.Va., had more than $2.5 million on hand as of June 30.

Raese's campaign reported raising $239,525, including $180,525 in contributions from individuals and $59,000 from PACs. Raese also loaned his campaign $475,000 during the three-month period, and had $183,644 on hand.

Byrd, who is seeking a record ninth term, has not loaned any money to his campaign.

Both candidates reported spending about $650,000 during the period.

Raese, a Morgantown industrialist and media owner, said he has been concentrating on small fundraising dinners with five or six people.

"I think that's going to be very effective for me," he said.

Raese said he plans to launch newspaper advertisements in Charleston before the end of July, followed by television ads in August.


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