This article originally provided by
The Logan
June 24, 2006
Mingo County senate race costs a whopping $350K
Two democratic candidates for the W.Va. Senate from the
Sixth Senatorial District spent nearly $350,000 in the May 9 primary election.
Democratic candidates Greg "Hootie" Smith, of Williamson, and H. Truman
Chafin, of Charleston and/or Williamson, have reported spending a combined total
of $349,352 in their battle for a seat in the state Senate.
In campaign finance reports filed with the Secretary of State, Chafin reported
spending the largest amount of money on his campaign. According to his report,
Chafin's expenditures totaled $191,186.
Smith's expenditures totaled $158,166.
Both candidates made large loans to their campaigns. Smith loaned his campaign
the largest amount -- $127,595. Chafin reported loans totaling $115,000.
Smith's two biggest expense categories were radio and TV advertising. Smith
reported spending $29,627 on radio ads and $29,224 on TV commercials.
Newspaper advertising cost the campaign $15,585 and $8,450 was spent on a number
of billboards.
Smith reported receiving contributions from sources other than himself totaling
All of Smith's contributions were from individuals. No special interest groups
contributed to his candidacy.
Smith did not report holding and fundraisers.
Chafin reported one fundraiser held on Feb. 20, 2006, at the Embassy Suites
hotel in Charleston. Chafin grossed $31,175 and had $2,682 in expenses.
Chafin netted $28,493 from the fundraiser.
Chafin's campaign contributions from special interest groups totaled $16,550 and
individuals contributed $33,359 to the campaign.
Chafin also reported that, on April 1, 2006, the Mingo County Mayors'
Association spent $475 to sponsor a radio broadcast from his campaign kickoff
event at the Delbarton Opry House.
Chafin, the incumbent, won the race by just 128 votes. Chafin's vote total was
7,617 while Smith's total was 7,489. The two candidates spent approximately $23
for each vote they received. Smith defeated Chafin in their home county, Mingo,
by a total of 3,472 to 2,930.
The sixth district includes parts of McDowell, Mercer, Wayne and Wyoming
counties and all of Mingo County.