Issue: Democracy

110 posts found, showing 20 per page

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Alerts and Updates WVCCE May 29, 2020
Election Day: Use Your Voice to Move Others to Action!
Your Vote is Your Voice! With the primary election just 10 days away, we wanted to remind you of some important resources to help you vote safely and exercise your right to vote effectively. You can also use your voice to educate and move others to action. Click here for three things you can do right now to make sure voters are informed for this crucial election. More
Issues: DemocracyHealthVoting RightsWV Supreme Court
Alerts and Updates WVCCE May 18, 2020
Deadline Tomorrow to Register to Vote
Tomorrow (May 19) is the deadline to register to vote in the 2020 WV primary and judicial elections. Register, check, or update your registration at, then make a plan to vote. Three of the most important votes you will cast in the 2020 primary are your picks for the WV Supreme Court. The decisions it makes affect the lives of all West Virginians. Learn more about these important races and the candidates at More
Issues: DemocracyFair CourtsHealthVoting RightsWV Supreme Court
Press Release WVCCE April 28, 2020
WVCCE Launches Website for 2020 WV Supreme Court Elections
The West Virginia Supreme Court races are among the most important on our June 9 ballot. Our courts are powerful, and they matter. Our rights as voters, workers, parents and community members depend on the decisions of our elected judges. It is imperative that we are better informed about our courts and the judicial candidates so that we can use our right to vote effectively, More
Issues: DemocracyFair CourtsJudicial IndependenceVoting RightsWV Supreme Court
Document WVCCE April 24, 2020
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Impact on the 2020 Primary Election
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Impact on the 2020 Primary Election: Absentee Voting and Election FAQ More
Issues: DemocracyVoting Rights
Alerts and Updates WVCCE April 24, 2020
Wisconsin a Cautionary Tale for WV: Help Your Neigbors Vote!
As we all grapple with grief and worry during the COVID-19 pandemic, at least in West Virginia we don’t have the additional worry of choosing between our health and our right to vote. However, due to coronavirus a few things have changed about the primary. While these changes are for the best, it's important for everyone to understand how important this election is and how to make their voices heard as safely as possible. Join us for the #VoteTogetherWV phone bank to help people vote in the era of COVID-19.  More
Issues: DemocracyFair CourtsHealthVoting RightsWV Supreme Court
Newsletter WVCCE April 4, 2020
Reaching Out, Checking In (Plus Action for Voting, Legislative Update)
We hope you are finding meaningful ways to connect with and check-in with one another in these times of physical distancing. (While we need to be physically distanced right now, we need to build more social connection!) Oft-repeated tips on how to stay healthy in both body and spirit while trying to navigate stay-at-home orders, work layoffs, and fears for the health of our families and communities include checking up on others by phone and digital means, setting daily goals, and deepening the sense of purpose you create for your life by your actions and activities. To that end we wanted to share some easy actions you can take, and also share a bit of good news in the form of a legislative update. More
Issues: DemocracyFair CourtsHealthJudicial IndependenceTransparencyVoting RightsWV Supreme Court
Document WVCCE February 11, 2020
The Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform: Bills We Support
Several bills that advance the goals of the Pro-Democracy Platform have been introduced. Here's a list of the bills and their status.  More
Issues: DemocracyDisclosureTransparencyVoting Rights
Alerts and Updates WVCCE February 10, 2020
Stand Up for Democracy: Tell Legislators to Protect Our Right to Peacefully Assemble
Just like voting or contacting elected officials, peaceful protest is an important way for everyday people to influence how government makes decisions about our air, water, and land; when we go to war; and other issues. Several of our allies are opposing a bill before the Legislature that would discourage peaceful protest and stop people from criticizing the powerful. Stand up for democracy! Contact your delegate(s) and tell them to vote NO on HB 4615. More
Issues: Democracy
Newsletter WVCCE January 31, 2020
Our Voice, Our Votes, Our Courts: Join Us for Good Government Lobby Day
Please join us for our first ever lobby day in support of our Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform on February 17. More details and registration information here. Several bills that advance the goals of the Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform have been introduced and the list keeps growing. Read this post for a look at some of these bills, what we have to gain if some reforms are passed, and what’s at stake if others advance. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDemocracyFair Courts
WVCCE Blog Julie Archer January 29, 2020
Our Voice, Our Votes, Our Courts: What We Could Gain and What’s At Stake
Several bills that advance the goals of the Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform have been introduced and the list keeps growing. In addition to bills that are part of the platform we are also monitoring other legislative proposals related to our courts. Here’s a glimpse at some of these bills, what we have to gain if some reforms are passed, and what’s at stake if others advance. More
Issues: Citizens UnitedClean ElectionsDark MoneyDemocracyDisclosureFair CourtsVoting Rights
WVCCE Blog WVCCE January 23, 2020
Join Us for Good Government Lobby Day – Monday, February 17
Join us for our first ever lobby day in support of our Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform. We will be participating in the Centennial Celebration of the WV Ratification of the 19th Amendment at the State Capitol. It’s also President’s Day. If you have the day off, come lobby your legislators about common sense policy solutions that can move us toward a government that's more transparent, accountable and responsive to the needs of ALL West Virginians. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDemocracyFair CourtsVoting Rights
Alerts and Updates WVCCE January 21, 2020
Post-Citizens United, We Can Make Democracy Healthy Again
In spite of the decision, there are things we can do to make democracy healthy again but it will take political will and the power of the people demanding change. We can restore balance to a system skewed in favor of the wealthy and special interests by implementing reforms like those included in our Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform, and give everyday people a stronger voice in our elections.   More
Issues: Citizens UnitedDark MoneyDemocracyDisclosurePublic FinancingSecret MoneyTransparency
Alerts and Updates WVCCE January 4, 2020
Happy New Year, YOU Did It!
Happy New Year, YOU did it! Thanks to contributions from folks like you, we raised the $5,000 needed to meet our #WVProDemocracy match. Actually, we more than made it. We raised $7,380! We hope we can continue to count on you — every session people like you help advance our Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform by calling legislators, writing letters to the editor, and talking with friends and neighbors. Stay tuned for updates and calls to action starting next week. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDemocracyFair Courts
Alerts and Updates Julie Archer December 4, 2019
Take Action Today to Restore the Voting Rights Act
Congress must pass the Voting Rights Advancement Act (HR 4) and restore our ability to prevent racial discrimination in voting so that we can build the truly representative democracy that we deserve. The House of Representatives is expected to vote on HR 4 on Thursday or Friday of this week. Please contact your US Representative today and urge their support for this crucial legislation. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDemocracyVoting Rights
Alerts and Updates WVCCE December 2, 2019
You don’t have to wait for #GivingTuesday to give democracy a boost
The season of giving is here and you can help give democracy a boost by making a tax-deductible donation toward the WV Pro-Democracy Match today.  Every dollar you give will be matched up to $5,000. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDemocracyFair CourtsVoting RightsWV Supreme Court
Alerts and Updates WVCCE October 30, 2019
Tired of Being Ghosted by Politics as Usual? Support the #WVProDemocracy Campaign
Tired of being ghosted by politics as usual? Want to exorcise big money from our elections? It's spooky when politicians rely on campaign contributions from big money ghouls! WV Citizens for Clean Elections is working to restore health to our democracy, to clean up elections and assure that our courts are fair and impartial. But it takes money to fight big money. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDemocracyFair CourtsWV Supreme Court
Alerts and Updates WVCCE October 15, 2019
Support the WV Pro-Democracy Movement by Making a Gift Today
WV Citizens for Clean Elections is working to restore health to our democracy, to clean up elections, and assure that our courts are fair and impartial. Right now WV Citizens for Clean Elections has an opportunity to receive an additional $5,000 for our work if we can raise $5,000 from our friends and supporters by the end of the year. Will you pitch in? Join us in the fight for a democracy that works for everyone—a democracy where everyone participates, every vote is counted, and everyone's voice is heard—by making a donation today. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDemocracyDisclosureFair CourtsTransparencyVoting RightsWV Supreme Court
WVCCE Blog Julie Archer September 26, 2019
Lawmakers need to protect, promote right to vote
In West Virginia, pro-voter advocates envision a state where elected officials don’t make it harder to vote, but rather ensure that every eligible citizen has a chance to make their voice heard. In the wake of the Shelby v. Holder decision, it is policies like AVR, and other reforms that provide new opportunities for people to register and vote, that affirm our civil rights, which need our support.  More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDemocracyVoting Rights
WVCCE Blog Vivian Stockman August 14, 2019
When You Talk About Voter Suppression, Talk About White Supremacy
"We ALL deserve a thriving, engaged, and true democracy. One where participating is accessible and encouraged. One where violent systems of white supremacy and voter suppression do not exist. We know that if we build an engaged and thriving form of governance at every level we too can build the equitable and just future that we all deserve." More
Issues: DemocracyVoting Rights
WVCCE Blog Vivian Stockman August 13, 2019
Delegate Danielle Walker Speaks on Voting Rights
"We must use our voice. We must join forces. We must take a stand." That’s why we urge everyone to demand that Congress pass HR4, and to do all they can to safeguard their right to vote and democracy itself. More
Issues: Dark MoneyDemocracyFair CourtsSecret MoneyVoting Rights
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