Issue: Democracy
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Alerts and Updates WVCCE January 27, 2019
This Is What Democracy Looks Like, And You’re In It
It's a new year, and a new WV Legislature, and you can help West Virginia Citizens for Clean Elections advance the Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform during the 2019 West Virginia Legislative Session. When legislators listen to regular West Virginians, they can work with us to pass bills that make West Virginia a better place to live. The governor can sign those bills into law, and our courts can uphold those laws. But too often, our politicians look like they are listening to big-money special interests rather than people like you and me. It’s time to make them listen. More
Issues: Clean Elections, Democracy, Fair Courts, Transparency, Voting Rights
This Is What Democracy Looks Like, And You’re In It
It's a new year, and a new WV Legislature, and you can help West Virginia Citizens for Clean Elections advance the Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform during the 2019 West Virginia Legislative Session. When legislators listen to regular West Virginians, they can work with us to pass bills that make West Virginia a better place to live. The governor can sign those bills into law, and our courts can uphold those laws. But too often, our politicians look like they are listening to big-money special interests rather than people like you and me. It’s time to make them listen. More
Issues: Clean Elections, Democracy, Fair Courts, Transparency, Voting Rights
WVCCE Blog WVCCE January 22, 2019
The Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform: Get Up, Stamp Up for Your Rights
We had a great time last week promoting the Pro-Democracy Anti-Corruption Platform at Kids and Families Day hosted by the Our Children, Our Future (OCOF) campaign. We also encouraged folks to help spread the word about the need to fight the influence of money in politics, and demonstrate support for the solution by stamping their money with messages like “Stamp Money Out of Politics, “Not to Be Used to Buy Elections,” and “Stop the Attack on Voting Rights.” Several bills have been introduced that advance the goals of the platform have been introduced. Learn more here. More
Issues: Clean Elections, Dark Money, Democracy, Disclosure, Voting Rights
The Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform: Get Up, Stamp Up for Your Rights
We had a great time last week promoting the Pro-Democracy Anti-Corruption Platform at Kids and Families Day hosted by the Our Children, Our Future (OCOF) campaign. We also encouraged folks to help spread the word about the need to fight the influence of money in politics, and demonstrate support for the solution by stamping their money with messages like “Stamp Money Out of Politics, “Not to Be Used to Buy Elections,” and “Stop the Attack on Voting Rights.” Several bills have been introduced that advance the goals of the platform have been introduced. Learn more here. More
Issues: Clean Elections, Dark Money, Democracy, Disclosure, Voting Rights
Press Release WVCCE October 22, 2018
Film Screening & Discussion to Highlight Need for Reform
Dark money groups spend millions to shape our elections at all levels of government without revealing where their money comes from. But it doesn't have to be this way. ‘Dark Money’ ( takes viewers to Montana to follow an intrepid local journalist working to expose the real-life impacts of the US Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision. The film also shows how attorneys, elected officials, and local activists in Montana fought back and won. Come see the film and be inspired to help us fight big money in West Virginia elections More
Issues: Citizens United, Clean Elections, Dark Money, Democracy, Disclosure
Film Screening & Discussion to Highlight Need for Reform
Dark money groups spend millions to shape our elections at all levels of government without revealing where their money comes from. But it doesn't have to be this way. ‘Dark Money’ ( takes viewers to Montana to follow an intrepid local journalist working to expose the real-life impacts of the US Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision. The film also shows how attorneys, elected officials, and local activists in Montana fought back and won. Come see the film and be inspired to help us fight big money in West Virginia elections More
Issues: Citizens United, Clean Elections, Dark Money, Democracy, Disclosure
Document WVCCE October 8, 2018
Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Campaign Flier
The document below contains two versions of our Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption campaign flier. A half-page, double-sided flier (two per page) and a full page. Download the filer here or email to request copies. More
Issues: Clean Elections, Democracy
Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Campaign Flier
The document below contains two versions of our Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption campaign flier. A half-page, double-sided flier (two per page) and a full page. Download the filer here or email to request copies. More
Issues: Clean Elections, Democracy
WVCCE Blog WVCCE October 1, 2018
Join Us in October for a Screening of ‘Dark Money’
Join us at the Underground Cinema by WVIFF for October's Movies That Matter Monday's Film, 'Dark Money,' a political thriller that examines one of the greatest present threats to American democracy: the influence of untraceable corporate money on our elections and elected officials. But the citizens of one state won’t allow their democracy to be dismantled without a fight. You can join them. More
Issues: Citizens United, Clean Elections, Dark Money, Democracy, Secret Money
Join Us in October for a Screening of ‘Dark Money’
Join us at the Underground Cinema by WVIFF for October's Movies That Matter Monday's Film, 'Dark Money,' a political thriller that examines one of the greatest present threats to American democracy: the influence of untraceable corporate money on our elections and elected officials. But the citizens of one state won’t allow their democracy to be dismantled without a fight. You can join them. More
Issues: Citizens United, Clean Elections, Dark Money, Democracy, Secret Money
Press Release Julie Archer September 17, 2018
WV Citizens for Clean Elections to Launch Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform
We're launching a campaign to build support for common sense solutions that they say can put state government on a path to solving problems that affect all West Virginians. The Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform would increase accountability and transparency in West Virginia elections, make voting more accessible to all citizens, limit the influence of big money in our politics, ensure fairness and impartiality in our courts, and increase citizen participation in the electoral process. Our growing campaign already has thirty-seven legislative candidates from across the aisle supporting reform agenda to make W.Va. politics clean, fair and accountable. The list includes Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, as well as Libertarian and Mountain party candidates. More
Issues: Clean Elections, Democracy, Voting Rights
WV Citizens for Clean Elections to Launch Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform
We're launching a campaign to build support for common sense solutions that they say can put state government on a path to solving problems that affect all West Virginians. The Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform would increase accountability and transparency in West Virginia elections, make voting more accessible to all citizens, limit the influence of big money in our politics, ensure fairness and impartiality in our courts, and increase citizen participation in the electoral process. Our growing campaign already has thirty-seven legislative candidates from across the aisle supporting reform agenda to make W.Va. politics clean, fair and accountable. The list includes Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, as well as Libertarian and Mountain party candidates. More
Issues: Clean Elections, Democracy, Voting Rights
WVCCE Blog Julie Archer August 1, 2018
The Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform: Empowering People, Fighting Big Money
The Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform is a set of common sense solutions that can help put our government on a path to solve problems that affect us. This is not about Democrat vs. Republican; this is about fixing a broken system, and moving toward a government that’s more transparent, accountable, and responsive to the needs of ALL West Virginians. The Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform would increase accountability and transparency in West Virginia elections, make voting more accessible to all citizens, limit the influence of big-money in our politics, ensure fairness and impartiality in our courts, and increase citizen participation in the electoral process. More
Issues: Democracy, Disclosure, Fair Courts, Transparency, Voting Rights
The Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform: Empowering People, Fighting Big Money
The Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform is a set of common sense solutions that can help put our government on a path to solve problems that affect us. This is not about Democrat vs. Republican; this is about fixing a broken system, and moving toward a government that’s more transparent, accountable, and responsive to the needs of ALL West Virginians. The Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform would increase accountability and transparency in West Virginia elections, make voting more accessible to all citizens, limit the influence of big-money in our politics, ensure fairness and impartiality in our courts, and increase citizen participation in the electoral process. More
Issues: Democracy, Disclosure, Fair Courts, Transparency, Voting Rights
Press Release WVCCE June 6, 2018
Workshop on Role of the Courts in Protecting Democracy, Fundamental Rights – June 18 in Charleston
WV Citizens for Clean Elections and the WV Association for Justice are hosting a free workshop on the role of the courts in protecting our democracy and our fundamental rights. Through a series of interactive discussions and presentations, participants will leave with knowledge about who sits on the bench in West Virginia, how judges are selected/elected, threats to judicial independence, and actions to strengthen and protect the impartiality of our courts. The free workshop will be held Monday, June 18 in Charleston at the Four Points Sheraton and includes an appetizer buffet reception. Attendees are asked to please register in advance. More
Issues: Democracy, Fair Courts, WV Supreme Court
Workshop on Role of the Courts in Protecting Democracy, Fundamental Rights – June 18 in Charleston
WV Citizens for Clean Elections and the WV Association for Justice are hosting a free workshop on the role of the courts in protecting our democracy and our fundamental rights. Through a series of interactive discussions and presentations, participants will leave with knowledge about who sits on the bench in West Virginia, how judges are selected/elected, threats to judicial independence, and actions to strengthen and protect the impartiality of our courts. The free workshop will be held Monday, June 18 in Charleston at the Four Points Sheraton and includes an appetizer buffet reception. Attendees are asked to please register in advance. More
Issues: Democracy, Fair Courts, WV Supreme Court
WVCCE Blog WVCCE October 4, 2017
Update on WV Voter Registration Purge, Presidential Election Integrity Commission
In response to news reports that more than 67,000 voters had been removed from West Virginia’s voter registration rolls since January, representatives of the League of Women Voters of WV, ACLU of WV and WV Citizen Action Group met with Secretary of State Warner’s elections division staff to learn more about the process for removing voters from the rolls, and the reasons for their removal. Our partner and allied organizations have also been monitoring the activities of the Presidential Election Integrity Commission. More
Issues: Democracy, Voting Rights
Update on WV Voter Registration Purge, Presidential Election Integrity Commission
In response to news reports that more than 67,000 voters had been removed from West Virginia’s voter registration rolls since January, representatives of the League of Women Voters of WV, ACLU of WV and WV Citizen Action Group met with Secretary of State Warner’s elections division staff to learn more about the process for removing voters from the rolls, and the reasons for their removal. Our partner and allied organizations have also been monitoring the activities of the Presidential Election Integrity Commission. More
Issues: Democracy, Voting Rights
WVCCE Blog Julie Archer August 17, 2017
U.S. Supreme Court case may redefine, restrict how district lines are drawn
On Oct. 3, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in Gill versus Whitford. The decision in this case has the potential to have a drastic effect on the country’s political landscape. The Supreme Court will decide whether it will accept a standard to determine whether partisan gerrymandering exists. Gerrymandering is manipulation of district lines to achieve political gain for a particular party. More
Issues: Democracy, Fair Courts
U.S. Supreme Court case may redefine, restrict how district lines are drawn
On Oct. 3, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in Gill versus Whitford. The decision in this case has the potential to have a drastic effect on the country’s political landscape. The Supreme Court will decide whether it will accept a standard to determine whether partisan gerrymandering exists. Gerrymandering is manipulation of district lines to achieve political gain for a particular party. More
Issues: Democracy, Fair Courts
WVCCE Blog Julie Archer November 15, 2016
Outside spending in W.Va. elections nears $20 million
Outside groups reported spending $4.7 million dollars in the two weeks prior to the election, with total spending reaching $19.8 million so far this election cycle. This year’s outside spending by race breaks down as follows: Attorney General - $7,056,716, Governor - $5,534,089, Supreme Court - $3,644,315. Third party organizations also spent $3.3 million in various state Senate races. More
Issues: Dark Money, Democracy, Disclosure, Secret Money, WV Supreme Court
Outside spending in W.Va. elections nears $20 million
Outside groups reported spending $4.7 million dollars in the two weeks prior to the election, with total spending reaching $19.8 million so far this election cycle. This year’s outside spending by race breaks down as follows: Attorney General - $7,056,716, Governor - $5,534,089, Supreme Court - $3,644,315. Third party organizations also spent $3.3 million in various state Senate races. More
Issues: Dark Money, Democracy, Disclosure, Secret Money, WV Supreme Court
WVCCE Blog Julie Archer November 3, 2016
W.Va. outside spending reaches $19.2 million
Five days from the election, outside spending in West Virginia elections has reached $19.2 million this election cycle. Outside groups have reported spending an additional $4.1 million dollars over the past week. More
Issues: Citizens United, Clean Elections, Democracy, Disclosure, Secret Money
W.Va. outside spending reaches $19.2 million
Five days from the election, outside spending in West Virginia elections has reached $19.2 million this election cycle. Outside groups have reported spending an additional $4.1 million dollars over the past week. More
Issues: Citizens United, Clean Elections, Democracy, Disclosure, Secret Money
Press Release Julie Archer October 28, 2016
Outside groups spend more than $15 million on W.Va. elections
After spending $5.6 million during the last presidential election year, outside groups have reported spending more than $15 million on West Virginia elections so far in 2016 — closely rivaling the $16.3 million in reported spending by candidates for executive, legislative, and judicial offices. This year’s outside spending by race breaks down as follows: Attorney General - $5.3, Governor - $3.7, Supreme Court - $3.6 million. Third party organizations have also spent $2.4 million in various state Senate races. More
Issues: Citizens United, Dark Money, Democracy, Disclosure, Secret Money
Outside groups spend more than $15 million on W.Va. elections
After spending $5.6 million during the last presidential election year, outside groups have reported spending more than $15 million on West Virginia elections so far in 2016 — closely rivaling the $16.3 million in reported spending by candidates for executive, legislative, and judicial offices. This year’s outside spending by race breaks down as follows: Attorney General - $5.3, Governor - $3.7, Supreme Court - $3.6 million. Third party organizations have also spent $2.4 million in various state Senate races. More
Issues: Citizens United, Dark Money, Democracy, Disclosure, Secret Money
WVCCE Blog Julie Archer September 1, 2016
Vigilant companies can avert Watergate scandal replay
The Watergate Hotel reopened recently after a sparkling $125 million facelift, complete with guest key cards saying, “No need to break in.” For well-heeled business leaders visiting there, a pithier epigram might be, “Influence buying has a price.” Decades later, it is too easily forgotten that 12 corporations and 17 corporate executives ultimately were indicted […] More
Issues: Citizens United, Dark Money, Democracy, Secret Money
Vigilant companies can avert Watergate scandal replay
The Watergate Hotel reopened recently after a sparkling $125 million facelift, complete with guest key cards saying, “No need to break in.” For well-heeled business leaders visiting there, a pithier epigram might be, “Influence buying has a price.” Decades later, it is too easily forgotten that 12 corporations and 17 corporate executives ultimately were indicted […] More
Issues: Citizens United, Dark Money, Democracy, Secret Money
WVCCE Blog Julie Archer August 3, 2016
Speak Up! We Need Senator Manchin to Support Democracy Reforms
In Congress, some lawmakers have proposed solutions to put regular voters back in control of our elections: The We the People package and the Fair Elections Now Act. This is our chance to be heard. Tell Senator Manchin to put everyday Americans first and cosponsor the We the People package and the Fair Elections Now Act. More
Issues: Citizens United, Clean Elections, Dark Money, Democracy, Disclosure, Public Financing, Secret Money
Speak Up! We Need Senator Manchin to Support Democracy Reforms
In Congress, some lawmakers have proposed solutions to put regular voters back in control of our elections: The We the People package and the Fair Elections Now Act. This is our chance to be heard. Tell Senator Manchin to put everyday Americans first and cosponsor the We the People package and the Fair Elections Now Act. More
Issues: Citizens United, Clean Elections, Dark Money, Democracy, Disclosure, Public Financing, Secret Money
WVCCE Blog Julie Archer April 6, 2016
Join us in DC April 16-18 for Democracy Awakening!
Later this month, thousands of people will be coming together in our nation's capital to demand a democracy that works for all of us – where our votes are not denied and money doesn’t buy access and power. More
Issues: Citizens United, Clean Elections, Democracy, Disclosure, Public Financing, Voting Rights
Join us in DC April 16-18 for Democracy Awakening!
Later this month, thousands of people will be coming together in our nation's capital to demand a democracy that works for all of us – where our votes are not denied and money doesn’t buy access and power. More
Issues: Citizens United, Clean Elections, Democracy, Disclosure, Public Financing, Voting Rights
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