Action Alerts and Updates

79 posts found, showing 10 per page

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Alerts and Updates WVCCE November 16, 2020
Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption
Our democracy is under attack, but we have the tools to fight back against measures that will hinder our progress towards a government that is transparent, accountable, and responsive to our needs. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDemocracyFair CourtsTransparency
Alerts and Updates WVCCE November 9, 2020
Results Are In. The Voters Have Spoken.
With record turnout across our nation, Americans made their voices heard. But unfortunately, our systems are being challenged by players who want to change the rules of the game. Some politicians are attempting to sow doubt by using unproven claims to change the outcome of the election because they are afraid of losing. We must continue to remain diligent in the face of misinformation as our new government is formed over the next few months.   More
Issues: DemocracyFair CourtsVoting Rights
Alerts and Updates WVCCE November 6, 2020
Hang Tight – Our Democracy is Working
It may take a while for all of the votes to be counted but the most important thing is that all votes are counted and everyone’s voice is heard. Any attempts to undermine the count are direct threats to the integrity of our elections and our democracy. American voters will determine the outcome of the election, not any particular politician or government body.  More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDemocracyVoting Rights
Alerts and Updates WVCCE November 2, 2020
Tomorrow is Election Day
Tomorrow, November 3, is the day we have all been waiting for: Election Day! If you have not already voted, please make a plan today to cast your vote tomorrow. And tell all of your friends and family! This election is so important, so it’s critical that you make it to the polls and vote! Please remember to vote down the ballot, because every single office matters. More
Issues: DemocracyVoting Rights
Alerts and Updates WVCCE October 30, 2020
Make A Plan To Vote
Mark your calendars! Saturday, October 31 is the last day to early vote! Additionally, remember that you have until Monday, November 2 to hand-deliver your Absentee Ballot to the County Clerk’s office. You can also trade in your absentee ballot and vote in person. Details here. Happy voting! More
Issues: DemocracyVoting Rights
Alerts and Updates WVCCE October 28, 2020
Recipe for Confusion
The state made the decision to not automatically mail ballot applications for the November general election. Changing up the rules is a recipe for confusion, and with WV having one of the lowest turnout rates in the nation, we should be working to expand access to voting, not putting in place more barriers. WV Citizens for Clean Elections is fighting against this disenfranchisement by informing voters about the voting process. Help us in our mission of fighting for clean elections by donating today so we can help voters navigate the process and cast their ballots. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDemocracyFair CourtsVoting Rights
Alerts and Updates WVCCE October 24, 2020
Stealing the Court
After our country lost the great leader and icon, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, it only took a few days before powerful special interests launched a well-funded, politically motivated campaign to steal the court. West Virginians are no stranger to special interests and dark money swaying our court systems, which is why we are not going to sit on the sidelines and wait to see what happens. Join us in the fight to save our democracy. More
Issues: Dark MoneyDemocracyFair Courts
Alerts and Updates WVCCE October 12, 2020
Register to Vote Today
Tuesday (10/13) is the deadline to register to vote in West Virginia. Luckily, if you aren’t registered, or even if you think you are, it will only take you a few minutes to register, check or update your registration. There's so much at stake this election, especially when it comes to the courts. Don't miss your chance to make a difference! More
Issues: DemocracyFair CourtsHealthVoting Rights
Alerts and Updates WVCCE October 8, 2020
Welcome: Re-Introducing WV Citizens for Clean Elections
Our systems are hanging by a thread. Together we can fight back. WV Citizens for Clean Elections is working to remove the influence of money from politics, and are fighting for a court system that works for everyone. We believe in a fair and impartial judiciary, and that starts with ensuring clean elections. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDemocracyFair CourtsJudicial Independence
Alerts and Updates Julie Archer September 1, 2020
Planning to Vote by Mail? Here’s What You Need to Know
As you probably know, all West Virginia voters have the option of voting absentee due to concerns about COVID-19. This is the safest option because you can vote from home. However, despite our efforts to make the process consistent with the primary, for the general election registered voters in most counties won’t be mailed an absentee ballot application. Here's what you need to know and what you can do to ensure that our democracy can function during this pandemic. More
Issues: DemocracyHealthVoting Rights
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