Action Alerts and Updates

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Alerts and Updates WVCCE June 8, 2020
Tomorrow is Your Chance to Vote for Reform
While it might seem strange to do something as normal as voting in these tumultouous times, we encourage you to make your voice heard in this crucial primary election. Over the past week, leaders like Stacy Abrams and former President Barack Obama have stressed the importance of voting and electing government officials who listen to us and are responsive to our demands. More
Issues: DemocracyFair CourtsVoting RightsWV Supreme Court
Alerts and Updates WVCCE May 29, 2020
Election Day: Use Your Voice to Move Others to Action!
Your Vote is Your Voice! With the primary election just 10 days away, we wanted to remind you of some important resources to help you vote safely and exercise your right to vote effectively. You can also use your voice to educate and move others to action. Click here for three things you can do right now to make sure voters are informed for this crucial election. More
Issues: DemocracyHealthVoting RightsWV Supreme Court
Alerts and Updates WVCCE May 18, 2020
Deadline Tomorrow to Register to Vote
Tomorrow (May 19) is the deadline to register to vote in the 2020 WV primary and judicial elections. Register, check, or update your registration at, then make a plan to vote. Three of the most important votes you will cast in the 2020 primary are your picks for the WV Supreme Court. The decisions it makes affect the lives of all West Virginians. Learn more about these important races and the candidates at More
Issues: DemocracyFair CourtsHealthVoting RightsWV Supreme Court
Alerts and Updates WVCCE April 27, 2020
Our Court, Our Vote – Judges Are on the Ballot: Know Your Judicial Candidates
West Virginia voters will elect three justices to the West Virginia Supreme Court in the upcoming primary election.  That's why we're excited to launch a new website,, to help voters learn more about these elections and the judicial candidates. Our rights as voters, workers, parents, and community members depend on the decisions of our elected judges. It is imperative that we are better informed about our courts and the judicial candidates so that we can use our right to vote effectively. More
Issues: Fair CourtsJudicial IndependenceVoting RightsWV Supreme Court
Alerts and Updates WVCCE April 24, 2020
Wisconsin a Cautionary Tale for WV: Help Your Neigbors Vote!
As we all grapple with grief and worry during the COVID-19 pandemic, at least in West Virginia we don’t have the additional worry of choosing between our health and our right to vote. However, due to coronavirus a few things have changed about the primary. While these changes are for the best, it's important for everyone to understand how important this election is and how to make their voices heard as safely as possible. Join us for the #VoteTogetherWV phone bank to help people vote in the era of COVID-19.  More
Issues: DemocracyFair CourtsHealthVoting RightsWV Supreme Court
Alerts and Updates WVCCE March 3, 2020
Tell Delegates to Reject Unnecessary Court
The West Virginia Legislature cannot justify the expense of creating a new layer of judicial bureaucracy, but the House Finance Committee voted to send SB 275, which would create an intermediate court of appeals, to the full House even though they couldn't pin down the exact cost. Tell the WV House committee members to reject SB 275 and invest the money that would be wasted on an unnecessary intermediate court on things West Virginia needs. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsFair CourtsJudicial IndependenceWV Supreme Court
Alerts and Updates WVCCE March 2, 2020
Don’t Let Powerful Special Interests Have Their Way with Our Courts
The millions that would be wasted on this unnecessary court could be better spent on things that help our families and communities thrive—fixing our roads, improving our schools and providing job training for West Virginia workers. However, in addition to the state’s spending priorities, West Virginians should also be concerned about the millions that special interest groups will undoubtedly spend to pack this new court. Special interest groups spending big bucks on judicial elections see the Supreme Court as an effective vehicle to further their political, ideological, or financial agendas. Why would this new court be any different? Tell the House Finance Committee to say NO to SB 275. More
Issues: Fair CourtsJudicial IndependenceTransparency
Alerts and Updates WVCCE February 25, 2020
Tell Delegates to Fund Critical Needs, Say NO to Unnecessary Court
Why are powerful, out-of-state special interests demanding that West Virginia give them an intermediate court that the Mountain State doesn’t need? To delay justice for West Virginians like you and for our small businesses, property owners, consumers and workers. Tell legislators that the money that would be wasted on an unnecessary intermediate court is better spent on things West Virginia needs — road repairs, better schools, job training for workers, broadband access, senior and veterans services, food programs and pantries so no West Virginian is hungry, and more. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDark MoneyFair CourtsJudicial Independence
Alerts and Updates WVCCE February 10, 2020
Stand Up for Democracy: Tell Legislators to Protect Our Right to Peacefully Assemble
Just like voting or contacting elected officials, peaceful protest is an important way for everyday people to influence how government makes decisions about our air, water, and land; when we go to war; and other issues. Several of our allies are opposing a bill before the Legislature that would discourage peaceful protest and stop people from criticizing the powerful. Stand up for democracy! Contact your delegate(s) and tell them to vote NO on HB 4615. More
Issues: Democracy
Alerts and Updates WVCCE January 21, 2020
Post-Citizens United, We Can Make Democracy Healthy Again
In spite of the decision, there are things we can do to make democracy healthy again but it will take political will and the power of the people demanding change. We can restore balance to a system skewed in favor of the wealthy and special interests by implementing reforms like those included in our Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform, and give everyday people a stronger voice in our elections.   More
Issues: Citizens UnitedDark MoneyDemocracyDisclosurePublic FinancingSecret MoneyTransparency
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