Issue: Democracy

112 posts found, showing 20 per page

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WVCCE Blog Vivian Stockman August 14, 2019
When You Talk About Voter Suppression, Talk About White Supremacy
"We ALL deserve a thriving, engaged, and true democracy. One where participating is accessible and encouraged. One where violent systems of white supremacy and voter suppression do not exist. We know that if we build an engaged and thriving form of governance at every level we too can build the equitable and just future that we all deserve." More
Issues: DemocracyVoting Rights
WVCCE Blog Vivian Stockman August 13, 2019
Delegate Danielle Walker Speaks on Voting Rights
"We must use our voice. We must join forces. We must take a stand." That’s why we urge everyone to demand that Congress pass HR4, and to do all they can to safeguard their right to vote and democracy itself. More
Issues: Dark MoneyDemocracyFair CourtsSecret MoneyVoting Rights
WVCCE Blog Vivian Stockman August 12, 2019
Rick Martin of NAACP Charleston WV on Voting Rights and the Courts
"The American people are entitled to judges who will decide cases on the facts and the law, not deeply rooted ideology or rank partisanship. Our rights to fully participate in every facet of political, social, and economic life, on an equal basis, lie in the balance." More
Issues: DemocracyFair CourtsVoting Rights
Press Release WVCCE August 2, 2019
Stand Up for Voting Rights – Media Advisory
On Voting Rights Act Anniversary, State and Community Leaders Call on Congress to Restore the Law. 12:15 p.m. on Tuesday, August 6, 2019, Outside the Robert C. Byrd Federal Courthouse, 300 Virginia St E., Charleston, WV 25301. This press conference and rally marks the anniversary of the Voting Rights Act (VRA). We’ll call on Congress to restore the protections in the VRA and ensure that every eligible voter can make their voice heard free from discrimination.  More
Issues: DemocracyFair CourtsVoting Rights
Alerts and Updates WVCCE August 1, 2019
Win for Transparency, Stand Up for Voting Rights
Please join us Tuesday, August 6 at noon at the Robert C. Byrd Federal Courthouse in Charleston to stand up for voting rights and call on Congress to restore the Voting Rights Act of 1962 by passing the Voting Rights Advancement Act (HR 4).  More
Issues: DemocracyFair CourtsVoting Rights
WVCCE Blog WVCCE July 11, 2019
Campaign Legal Center & WVCCE Comments on SB 622 Rules
The Campaign Legal Center and WV Citizens for Clean Elections submitted the following comments to the State Election Commission regarding the proposed rule to implement SB 622. We recommend a number of ways the rule can be strengthened to prevent circumvention of the law and to hold politicians and those who spend money to influence our elections accountable. We also ask the Commission to help strengthen political transparency in West Virginia by supporting future legislation to end “dark money” spending in the state. More
Issues: Dark MoneyDemocracyDisclosureTransparency
Alerts and Updates WVCCE July 2, 2019
Tell the State Election Commission to Support Transparency, Hold Politicians Accountable
Earlier this year, legislators passed SB 622, a bill that is disastrous for those of us who want elections where candidates listen to the voices of everyday people, not wealthy donors and special interests. Right now, the State Election Commission is writing rules on how the new law will be implemented and enforced.  We looked at the rules, and they need to be strengthened. You can help! Please send a letter to the Commission urging them to support increased transparency and to strengthen the rules to hold politicians accountable. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDark MoneyDemocracyDisclosureSecret MoneyTransparency
Alerts and Updates WVCCE May 9, 2019
Join Us for a Public Screening of Knock Down the House
Join us Sunday, May 19 at the LaBelle Theater in South Charleston for the first West Virginia screening of the new documentary Knock Down the House hosted by our partners at the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition (OVEC). Doors open at 6:30 PM and the film begins at 7:00 PM. The film follows four determined women on the campaign trail as they challenge big-money politicians in the 2018 election. Although the West Virginia legislature recently passed a bill (SB 622) to allow more money into our elections, it's exciting to see new leaders emerging who are saying no to big-money and rejecting politics as usual. The way forward isn't with laws like SB 622. The solution is empowering small donors, ensuring equal access to the ballot box, and giving everyday people a greater voice in the political process More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDemocracy
Alerts and Updates WVCCE March 14, 2019
Tell Governor Justice: Veto SB 622
Despite the way practically every West Virginia voter, regardless of their party affiliation, feels about the state of our politics and money’s role in it, West Virginia politicians charged ahead with SB 622 — the bill no one asked for. No one except wealthy special interests of course. We want our elected officials to listen to us, the people — not wealthy special interests. SB 622 goes against this will and gives a greater voice to the wealthy and special interests that try to buy our elections, and that's wrong! Send a message to Governor Justice and ask him to veto SB 622. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDark MoneyDemocracyDisclosureTransparency
Press Release WVCCE March 7, 2019
WV Legislature poised to bring MORE money, LESS transparency into our politics
Despite the way practically every West Virginia voter — Republican or Democrat — feels about the state of our politics and money's role in it, West Virginia politicians are charging ahead with SB 622 — the bill no one asked for. No one except wealthy special interests, of course. SB 622 will give more power over our government to the richest few, lobbyists, and wealthy special interests. West Virginia should be a model of government by the people, not for the wealthiest few. The Legislature should shoot down SB 622 and give the people of West Virginia a real voice in our government through the Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDark MoneyDemocracyDisclosureTransparency
Alerts and Updates WVCCE March 6, 2019
What Do We Want? Democracy! When Do We Want It? Now!
Unfortunately, some members of the WV Legislature have other ideas. The House of Delegates is set to vote on a major campaign finance overhaul bill that would allow even more big money into a system that already favors the wealthy and special interests. Call your delegate(s) now and tell them to say YES to transparency, and NO to more money in West Virginia elections. On the bright side, as the WV House prepares to vote on SB 622, the US House of Representatives will vote this week on HR 1, the boldest set of democracy reforms in decades! Make your voice heard and call your Representative today: 888-724-8879 More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDark MoneyDemocracyDisclosureSecret MoneyTransparencyVoting Rights
Alerts and Updates WVCCE February 24, 2019
Tell Senators to Say NO to More Money in WV Elections
On Thursday, the Senate Judiciary Committee just passed a major campaign finance overhaul bill that would allow even more big money into a system that already favors the wealthy and special interests. SB 622 increases campaign contribution limits from $1,000 to $2,800 for candidates, to $5,000 for PACs, and to $10,000 per year for party committees. This would be disastrous for ordinary working West Virginians who struggle to have their voices heard above the special interests that try to buy our elections. Contact your Senators and tell them we need more disclosure of political spending in our elections, not more money. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDark MoneyDemocracyDisclosureSecret MoneyTransparency
Alerts and Updates WVCCE February 15, 2019
By George, Are you Abe-le to Help Us Promote the #WVProDemocracy Platform?
Let Abe do the walkin' ... er' talkin'. Join us at the Capitol on President's Day to help promote the Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform. If you have the day off, come stamp your bills to help spread the word about the need to protect voting rights and fight the influence of money in politics; then lobby your legislators and ask them to support the platform. We'll be in the Upper Rotunda, Senate side starting at 9 AM.  More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDemocracy
Alerts and Updates WVCCE February 8, 2019
Call to Action: Help Advance the Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform
West Virginians understand the urgent need to strengthen our democracy and make our politicians work for us, not wealthy special interests. We need your help to make this a reality. Several bills have been introduced that advance the goals of the Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform. Unfortunately, these bills are being held up in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Contact Senate Judiciary Chair Charles Trump at (304) 357-7880 and ask him to put these bills up for a vote! More
Issues: Dark MoneyDemocracyDisclosureSecret MoneyTransparency
Alerts and Updates WVCCE February 2, 2019
Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform Update
Good news! Several bills have been introduced that advance the goals of the Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform and the list is growing. Two of these bills have started to work their way through the legislative process. We’ll continue to keep you posted. In the meantime, here’s the list of Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform bills that have been introduced so far. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDemocracyFair CourtsVoting Rights
WVCCE Blog WVCCE January 28, 2019
Pro-Democracy Platform: Voting Rights Restoration, Court Bills Advancing (Updated 2/2/2019)
As we mentioned last week, several bills have been introduced that help advance the goals of the Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform. Two of these bills have started to work their way through the legislative process. More details here, along with a complete list of bills we’re supporting as part of the Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDemocracyFair CourtsVoting Rights
Alerts and Updates WVCCE January 27, 2019
This Is What Democracy Looks Like, And You’re In It
It's a new year, and a new WV Legislature, and you can help West Virginia Citizens for Clean Elections advance the Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform during the 2019 West Virginia Legislative Session. When legislators listen to regular West Virginians, they can work with us to pass bills that make West Virginia a better place to live. The governor can sign those bills into law, and our courts can uphold those laws. But too often, our politicians look like they are listening to big-money special interests rather than people like you and me. It’s time to make them listen. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDemocracyFair CourtsTransparencyVoting Rights
WVCCE Blog WVCCE January 22, 2019
The Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform: Get Up, Stamp Up for Your Rights
We had a great time last week promoting the Pro-Democracy Anti-Corruption Platform at Kids and Families Day hosted by the Our Children, Our Future (OCOF) campaign. We also encouraged folks to help spread the word about the need to fight the influence of money in politics, and demonstrate support for the solution by stamping their money with messages like “Stamp Money Out of Politics, “Not to Be Used to Buy Elections,” and “Stop the Attack on Voting Rights.” Several bills have been introduced that advance the goals of the platform have been introduced. Learn more here. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDark MoneyDemocracyDisclosureVoting Rights
Press Release WVCCE October 22, 2018
Film Screening & Discussion to Highlight Need for Reform
Dark money groups spend millions to shape our elections at all levels of government without revealing where their money comes from. But it doesn't have to be this way. ‘Dark Money’ ( takes viewers to Montana to follow an intrepid local journalist working to expose the real-life impacts of the US Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision. The film also shows how attorneys, elected officials, and local activists in Montana fought back and won. Come see the film and be inspired to help us fight big money in West Virginia elections More
Issues: Citizens UnitedClean ElectionsDark MoneyDemocracyDisclosure
Document WVCCE October 8, 2018
Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Campaign Flier
The document below contains two versions of our Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption campaign flier. A half-page, double-sided flier (two per page) and a full page. Download the filer here or email to request copies. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDemocracy
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