Issue: Dark Money

46 posts found, showing 20 per page

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WVCCE Blog Julie Archer March 14, 2023
Elections & Courts Final Legislative Update
Of the nine election bills passed by the Senate, three were taken up and passed by the House during the final week of the session. Unfortunately, two of these decrease transparency of political spending in West Virginia. Also a bill to cap compensation for "deliberate intent" heads to the Governor, an attempt to reform "public nusiance" dies in the House, and judicial redistricting passes the Legislature on Day 60. More details here.   More
Issues: Dark MoneyDisclosureFair Courts
WVCCE Blog Julie Archer February 28, 2023
Elections & Courts Legislative Update – Week 7
As we approach crossover day, here’s an update on where various election and courts bills are in the legislative process. More
Issues: Dark MoneyDisclosureFair CourtsVoting Rights
WVCCE Blog Julie Archer February 14, 2023
Elections & Courts Legislative Update
The Senate Judiciary has referred three bills to its Elections and Public Integrity Subcommittee. The Senate Judiciary Committee has also advanced two bills that would decrease transparency of political spending. The House Committee on Political Subdivisions has advanced three bills. Plus judicial redistricting is underway. More
Issues: Dark MoneyDisclosureFair CourtsVoting Rights
WVCCE Blog Julie Archer January 23, 2023
Much Ado About Elections, and More
Ten days into the 2023 legislative, more than 50 bills related to elections have been introduced. Two have traction, and action is needed to keep HB 2244 off the House Judiciary Committee agenda. Related to elections, we would be remiss if we didn’t acknowledge Saturday's anniversary of the US Supreme Court’s devastating Citizens United decsion, the role of dark money in shifting the balance of the Court to the right, and it's impact on our fundamental rights. More
Issues: Citizens UnitedClean ElectionsDark MoneyDemocracyFair Courts
WVCCE Blog Julie Archer April 11, 2022
WVCCE Comments on Anti-Bias Rules for WV Intermediate Court and WV Supreme Court of Appeals
At a time when the code of conduct for the U.S. Supreme Court is under increased scrutiny for lacking such procedures and leaving it the Justices themselves to decide whether to recuse, the West Virginia Supreme Court has an opportunity to adopt strong anti-bias rules that will increase public confidence in the new Intermediate Court of Appeals, as well as in the state Supreme Court itself.  More
Issues: Dark MoneyFair CourtsJudicial IndependenceWV Supreme Court
Alerts and Updates WVCCE October 18, 2021
Join Us for the Freedom to Vote Relay
Join us on the caravan/relay from West Virginia to D.C., the Rally at the Finish Line on October 23rd, or stops along the way. With a major vote expected later this week, we need to push harder than ever to make sure the Senate does what it takes get the #FreedomToVoteAct across the finish line. More
Issues: Dark MoneyDemocracyRedistrictingVoting Rights
Alerts and Updates WVCCE October 24, 2020
Stealing the Court
After our country lost the great leader and icon, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, it only took a few days before powerful special interests launched a well-funded, politically motivated campaign to steal the court. West Virginians are no stranger to special interests and dark money swaying our court systems, which is why we are not going to sit on the sidelines and wait to see what happens. Join us in the fight to save our democracy. More
Issues: Dark MoneyDemocracyFair Courts
WVCCE Blog WVCCE May 29, 2020
Election Day: The Countdown is On and You Can Help Move Others to Action!
In the 2020 primary election, West Virginians across the state will be able to exercise their right to vote for an unprecedented 3 out of 5 justices on the WV Supreme Court. We need your help getting the word out about and we only have 10 days left to do so. Don't be fooled, be informed, educate others, and be certain to cast your vote on or before June 9. More
Issues: Citizens UnitedClean ElectionsDark MoneyDemocracyJudicial IndependenceWV Supreme Court
WVCCE Blog Julie Archer April 3, 2020
WV House Rejects New Court Sought by Powerful Special Interests
If you were one of the people who responded to calls to action from WV Citizens for Clean Elections Coalition and our partners and allies during the 2020 WV Legislative Session, thank you! You helped defeat a bad bill sought by powerful special interests. Besides the intermediate court of appeals, there were also multiple constitutional amendments proposed that would have undermined the independence of the courts. We must continue to fight these attacks and push for increased transparency in our elections and the adoption of strong recusal standards to remove political pressure and conflicts of interest from our courts. More
Issues: Dark MoneyDisclosureFair CourtsJudicial IndependenceTransparency
Alerts and Updates WVCCE February 25, 2020
Tell Delegates to Fund Critical Needs, Say NO to Unnecessary Court
Why are powerful, out-of-state special interests demanding that West Virginia give them an intermediate court that the Mountain State doesn’t need? To delay justice for West Virginians like you and for our small businesses, property owners, consumers and workers. Tell legislators that the money that would be wasted on an unnecessary intermediate court is better spent on things West Virginia needs — road repairs, better schools, job training for workers, broadband access, senior and veterans services, food programs and pantries so no West Virginian is hungry, and more. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDark MoneyFair CourtsJudicial Independence
WVCCE Blog Julie Archer January 29, 2020
Our Voice, Our Votes, Our Courts: What We Could Gain and What’s At Stake
Several bills that advance the goals of the Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform have been introduced and the list keeps growing. In addition to bills that are part of the platform we are also monitoring other legislative proposals related to our courts. Here’s a glimpse at some of these bills, what we have to gain if some reforms are passed, and what’s at stake if others advance. More
Issues: Citizens UnitedClean ElectionsDark MoneyDemocracyDisclosureFair CourtsVoting Rights
Alerts and Updates WVCCE January 21, 2020
Post-Citizens United, We Can Make Democracy Healthy Again
In spite of the decision, there are things we can do to make democracy healthy again but it will take political will and the power of the people demanding change. We can restore balance to a system skewed in favor of the wealthy and special interests by implementing reforms like those included in our Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform, and give everyday people a stronger voice in our elections.   More
Issues: Citizens UnitedDark MoneyDemocracyDisclosurePublic FinancingSecret MoneyTransparency
Alerts and Updates Vivian Stockman January 14, 2020
This Session, Join Us in the Fight for a Democracy that Works for Everyone
The 2020 West Virginia Legislative Session has begun, and we’re ready to fight for a democracy that works for everyone — a democracy where everyone participates, every vote is counted, and everyone's voice is heard. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDark MoneyFair CourtsJudicial IndependencePro Democracy
WVCCE Blog Vivian Stockman August 13, 2019
Delegate Danielle Walker Speaks on Voting Rights
"We must use our voice. We must join forces. We must take a stand." That’s why we urge everyone to demand that Congress pass HR4, and to do all they can to safeguard their right to vote and democracy itself. More
Issues: Dark MoneyDemocracyFair CourtsSecret MoneyVoting Rights
WVCCE Blog WVCCE July 11, 2019
Campaign Legal Center & WVCCE Comments on SB 622 Rules
The Campaign Legal Center and WV Citizens for Clean Elections submitted the following comments to the State Election Commission regarding the proposed rule to implement SB 622. We recommend a number of ways the rule can be strengthened to prevent circumvention of the law and to hold politicians and those who spend money to influence our elections accountable. We also ask the Commission to help strengthen political transparency in West Virginia by supporting future legislation to end “dark money” spending in the state. More
Issues: Dark MoneyDemocracyDisclosureTransparency
WVCCE Blog Julie Archer July 5, 2019
It’s Time to Declare Independence from Big-Money in West Virginia Politics
This Independence Day, we will all be celebrating the founding of the United States and our declaration of independence from the tyranny of monarchy. In West Virginia politics, however, it seems we have another tyranny to overthrow — the tyranny exercised by powerful special interests in our state’s democracy. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDark MoneyDisclosureTransparency
Alerts and Updates WVCCE July 2, 2019
Tell the State Election Commission to Support Transparency, Hold Politicians Accountable
Earlier this year, legislators passed SB 622, a bill that is disastrous for those of us who want elections where candidates listen to the voices of everyday people, not wealthy donors and special interests. Right now, the State Election Commission is writing rules on how the new law will be implemented and enforced.  We looked at the rules, and they need to be strengthened. You can help! Please send a letter to the Commission urging them to support increased transparency and to strengthen the rules to hold politicians accountable. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDark MoneyDemocracyDisclosureSecret MoneyTransparency
Alerts and Updates WVCCE March 14, 2019
Tell Governor Justice: Veto SB 622
Despite the way practically every West Virginia voter, regardless of their party affiliation, feels about the state of our politics and money’s role in it, West Virginia politicians charged ahead with SB 622 — the bill no one asked for. No one except wealthy special interests of course. We want our elected officials to listen to us, the people — not wealthy special interests. SB 622 goes against this will and gives a greater voice to the wealthy and special interests that try to buy our elections, and that's wrong! Send a message to Governor Justice and ask him to veto SB 622. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDark MoneyDemocracyDisclosureTransparency
Press Release WVCCE March 7, 2019
WV Legislature poised to bring MORE money, LESS transparency into our politics
Despite the way practically every West Virginia voter — Republican or Democrat — feels about the state of our politics and money's role in it, West Virginia politicians are charging ahead with SB 622 — the bill no one asked for. No one except wealthy special interests, of course. SB 622 will give more power over our government to the richest few, lobbyists, and wealthy special interests. West Virginia should be a model of government by the people, not for the wealthiest few. The Legislature should shoot down SB 622 and give the people of West Virginia a real voice in our government through the Pro-Democracy, Anti-Corruption Platform. More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDark MoneyDemocracyDisclosureTransparency
Alerts and Updates WVCCE March 6, 2019
What Do We Want? Democracy! When Do We Want It? Now!
Unfortunately, some members of the WV Legislature have other ideas. The House of Delegates is set to vote on a major campaign finance overhaul bill that would allow even more big money into a system that already favors the wealthy and special interests. Call your delegate(s) now and tell them to say YES to transparency, and NO to more money in West Virginia elections. On the bright side, as the WV House prepares to vote on SB 622, the US House of Representatives will vote this week on HR 1, the boldest set of democracy reforms in decades! Make your voice heard and call your Representative today: 888-724-8879 More
Issues: Clean ElectionsDark MoneyDemocracyDisclosureSecret MoneyTransparencyVoting Rights
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