Test newsletter vol 1 issue 0

WV Citizens for Clean Elections Newsletter
Sep 14, 2017 Volume 1 Issue 0 Donate

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Coporations are not people
WV Senate Passes Bill to Weaken Disclosure, Increase Money in Politics
Although SB 539 increases disclosure in some small ways, the overall effect of the bill is a weakening of disclosure while allowing more money into a broken system that favors the wealthy and special interests.
Tagged: Dark MoneyDisclosureSecret Money
Public Financing, Voting Rights Under Attack
Bills to repeal the WV Supreme Court of Appeals Public Campaign Financing Program and impose strict identification requirements in order to vote have been introduced in the West Virginia Legislature. The voter ID bill would also eliminate automatic voter registration (AVR) at the Division of Motor Vehicles. We need your help to stop these terrible proposals.
Tagged: DisclosureFair CourtsPublic FinancingSecret MoneyVoting Rights

From WV Citizens for Clean Elections

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Our Lunch Out Loud Webinar Series Continues With Two Events in August
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Elections & Courts Final Legislative Update

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