WVCCE Post-Election Planning and Strategy Session – Nov. 17

WV Citizens for Clean Elections
Nov 13, 2020    Donate 

Dear Friends, Partners, and Allies,

We hope you can join us next Tuesday, November 17 at 12:30 PM for a post-election planning and strategy session to discuss challenges and opportunities, and identify some concrete next steps we can take together. Last week was a rough, but the voters have spoken and we’re getting a new president! Although the outcome in WV wasn’t what we hoped for, it is time to continue the work to hold our government accountable to ensure we create a state and country where everyone can thrive. 

Below is the suggested agenda for the call. Carin Schiewe from Re:Power will be with us part of the time help to facilitate the conversation. To receive the Zoom information, please RSVP by replying to this email. 

We have a long road ahead of us, but we are ready to get to work and continue our partnerships and collaborations with you. Hope to see you next week. 

Onward together,


Julie Archer, Coordinator
WV Citizens for Clean Elections
(304) 610-9094 (cell)

Goals for November 17 Planning and Strategy Session:

  • Shared understanding of long term vision of success: building governing power
  • Shared understanding of short term vision of success: 2022
  • Opportunities & challenges
  • (Possibly: a head start on confirming goals (internal & external) goals for 2022)
  • Clear next steps, including fleshing out the plan and coordination

Suggested Agenda:

Welcome, Introductions & Agenda Review — 20 minutes (12:30-12:50PM)

Vision of success: 2021 and longer term:

Small group discussions & report back — 40 minutes (12:50-1:30PM)

  • Given where we stand now, what would it take for us to build governing power in WV? What do we mean by governing power? How long would it take?
  • What’s our vision of success for December 2021 as it relates to our issues and our people?

Break–10 minutes (1:30-1:40)

Report back and discussion — 60 minutes (1:40-2:40PM)

  • What do we mean by governing power? And what would it take for us to build it in WV? What would we need to do?
  • What’s our vision of success for December 2021(or 2022) for our people and our issues?

At 2:40PM – Option for folks to leave, or for those who want to continue the conversation, take a break and re-adjourn at 2:50 to discuss Goals: 2021-2022: What are our key goals, given our short and long term visions of success? (2:50-3:30PM)

Updated: November 13, 2020 — 2:46 pm

The Author

Julie Archer

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