Thank You!


We wanted to send you a message to thank you for being a major part of our efforts — fighting for free, fair, and safe elections for West Virginians.

Thanks to your support, we were able to accomplish a lot this year, despite the obstacles that came about due to COVID-19. Here is a quick recap:

Prior to Governor Justice issuing a stay at home order, we fought to ensure that the state had plans in place to administer the primary election safely and protect the health of voters and poll workers.

After the election was delayed and absentee voting became more widely available, we worked with partners and allies to educate voters about their voting options.

In the meantime, we partnered with the WV Consumer Protection Alliance to help voters learn more about Supreme Court elections and candidates.

Moving forward, we continued these efforts, and fought to make sure that voters were ready and able to cast their ballots in the November election, and that the state had steps in place to ensure everyone’s safety while voting in the midst of the pandemic.

That was just the beginning of the work that we did to make sure that WV citizens had their voices heard this year. And with your continued support, we will be able to continue this work and prepare for the new year.

Thank you again. We couldn’t do this without you!

-WV Citizens for Clean Elections

The Author


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