This article originally provided by
The Charleston Gazette
December 22, 2008
CAP report: Where's the (coal) money?
By Erika Lovley
Politico Contributor
A major coal industry group has spent an estimated $45 million on an ongoing
advertising campaign promoting the clean energy potential of coal, but its
members are spending relatively little on the research that would make the
technology a viable solution, a report by the Center for American Progress
The American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity’s 48 member companies have
only invested $3.5 billion in carbon capture research over the past several
years, a fraction of the investment scientists say is needed to meet global
warming reduction targets, the study by the progressive think tank finds. The
study did not include the profits of eight of the companies, but the center
estimates the 48 companies' combined profit reached at least $57 billion last
year alone.
“This is a perfect chicken and egg policy,” said the center study’s author,
Daniel Weiss, who supports federal funding of the research but believes the
industry needs to pick up more of the tab.
“The coal companies say they’ve got a solution and don’t want lawmakers to do
anything until the solution is ready. But they’re not doing much to make this
solution a reality.”
The coal industry sharply disputes Weiss’s figures. The group says it has
invested more than $50 billion in emission-reducing technology over the past 30
years and currently has more than 80 projects on clean coal technology underway.
According to spokesman Joe Lucas, more than half of the funding for the
projects is coming from the industry, but more government funding is needed.
The group is looking to get research funding in the next stimulus package and
looking to key coal state lawmakers, including Rep. Rick Boucher (D-Va.), for
help. Boucher told Politico he will reintroduce legislation next year that could
invest close to $1 billion into the technology.
“This industry has an incredible record on investing in technology,” Lucas
said. “There has never been an environmental challenge facing this industry that
technology couldn’t provide a solution for. So we are doing what we can to prove
The tug-of-war over the readiness of clean coal technology reflects the
intensity of a brewing fight on Capitol Hill over renewable fuel funding. A
recent study by Credit Suisse found that in order for carbon capture to play an
active role in reducing climate change, as much as $15 billion and 10 years
worth of research is needed before the technology goes commercial.
Former Vice President Al Gore is weighing in on behalf of environmental
groups opposed to clean coal.
The Gore-backed Reality Coalition, an alliance of environmental groups,
kicked off a multimillion-dollar advertising campaign this month aimed at
rebutting the industry’s claims that clean coal can be part of the climate
change solution anytime soon.
Gore has said that coal is one of the leading causes of global warming and
that no more plants should be built until new technology comes online. He is
aligned with the Sierra Club and other green groups that have urged lawmakers to
pump money into solar, wind and other proven technologies.
“The coal industry wants everyone to believe they’re on top of this, but they
aren’t,” said Reality Coalition spokesman Brian Hardwick. “We expect the
government to put money into clean coal’s growth, but we think the industry
needs to put in money too.”
The Gore group’s first ad features a tour of a clean coal facility, but the
shot features an engineer touring an empty, silent desert. “Machinery is kinda
loud, but that’s the sound of clean coal technology,” he shouts over the silent
The industry has countered by spending $125 million in the first nine months
of this year lobbying against a carbon emission cap and on behalf of clean coal
and it’s own ad campaign. It features smiling, everyday Americans voicing their
belief in the future of clean coal.
The industry can cite a handful of environmentalists, including Environmental
Defense fund, which has lobbied in support of more coal funding. And coal has
received some encouraging messages from the incoming administration of
President-elect Barack Obama.
Obama’s current energy agenda calls for the development of five full-scale
carbon storage projects.
“We’re going to have to develop clean coal technology and safe ways to store
nuclear energy,” Obama said during the second presidential debate.
The Charleston Gazette is a member of the
Politico Network.