This article originally provided by
The Washington Post
June 29, 2008
Millionaires Win
A Supreme Court ruling puts public financing of elections
at risk.
IT'S UNFORTUNATE but not disastrous for the McCain-Feingold campaign finance
law that the Supreme Court struck down its so-called Millionaire's Amendment.
The core of that statute -- the prohibition against unlimited "soft money"
donations -- was left undisturbed by the case decided Wednesday. What is
ominous, however, is the rationale the court's five-justice majority used in
finding the provision unconstitutional -- a rationale that could threaten
efforts to provide for public financing of elections and jeopardize existing
restrictions on corporate and union spending.
The Millionaire's Amendment was designed to apply to situations where wealthy
candidates were bankrolling their own campaigns. It allowed rival candidates to
raise money in larger increments; they could accept triple the maximum donation,
now $2,300, when the self-financed candidate spent $350,000 of his or her own
money. The court, in a ruling by Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., found that the
measure "imposes an unprecedented penalty on any candidate who robustly
exercises that First Amendment right" to "engage in unfettered political
speech." We view the "penalty" -- letting the competing candidate take bigger
checks -- as far less onerous. The dissenting justices rightly concluded that
this was "a modest, sensible, and plainly constitutional attempt by Congress"
legitimately aimed at "reducing the importance of wealth as a criterion for
public office and countering the perception that seats in the United States
Congress are available for purchase by the wealthiest bidder."
Losing the Millionaire's Amendment is not in itself a huge problem; in any
event, it could easily be tweaked by letting all candidates, rich and poor
alike, raise money in larger chunks. The bigger threat is the implication of the
majority's approach for the constitutionality of various state public financing
systems. Because under previous Supreme Court rulings participation in such
systems must be voluntary, many rely on a "trigger" mechanism by which
participating candidates are given, or permitted to raise, extra funds if they
are running against a deep-pocketed opponent or if outside groups spend large
sums. The majority's conclusion that the Millionaire's Amendment could not be
justified by a desire to level the political playing field could invalidate such
arrangements. Indeed, the court approvingly cited one appeals court ruling that
struck down a public financing scheme.
In addition, the majority appears increasingly intolerant of restrictions on
corporate spending, which have traditionally been justified by the desire not to
have candidates' voices drowned by corporate speech. The ruling pointedly cited
Justice Anthony M. Kennedy's dissent in a 1990 case upholding Michigan's
prohibition on independent expenditures by corporations for or against political
candidates. "The corporate and union spending limits are clearly on borrowed
time," election law expert Rick Hasen wrote in the aftermath of the ruling. The
future of campaign finance legislation looks awfully shaky in the hands of this