This article originally provided by The Herald-Dispatch

April 12, 2008

Delegates selected for state convention

The Herald-Dispatch

HUNTINGTON -- Clean elections, an end to the war in Iraq, environmental cleanup, ceasing out-sourcing to China and an end to mountaintop removal.

Sounds simple enough.

Those are the messages Cabell County delegates for the Democratic Party will be carrying with them when they convene for the party's convention June 13 and 14 in Charleston.

Saturday, during the Cabell County Democratic Convention, five separate resolutions were passed carrying the aforementioned messages.

"These are the resolutions we're sending to the party convention," said Susan Hubbard, acting chairwoman for Saturday's convention.

Resolutions carry no weight of law, but party members said they felt it was important to send a strong message from Cabell County. The issue of mountaintop removal was discussed with particular passion, with certain members saying the particular resolution adopted Saturday didn't decry the process specifically enough.

The county party also elected 72 delegates to send to the state convention, 36 men and 36 women.

Also elected were delegates to serve on the state party's credentials, rules and elections and resolutions committees.

Mary Ann Henry will serve with a representative from each of West Virginia's other 54 counties on the credentials committee, while Betty Ann Cleckley and Carl Eastham will serve on the rules and resolutions committees, respectively.


Voter-Owned Elections

Citizens for Clean Elections P.O. Box 6753 Huntington, WV 25773-6753 304-522-0246