WV Clean Elections Legislative Update by Julie Archer
February 25, 2005
Improving a Good Bill
Clean Elections Bill Being Cleaned Up
By Julie Archer
On Wednesday, those of you who are part of our "online" community
received an action alert urging you to contact your Delegates asking them to
support HB 2486, the West Virginia Public Campaign Financing Pilot Project. That
afternoon, representatives of the Citizens for Clean Elections lobby team
met with House Speaker Bob Kiss and Delegate Jon Amores, on behalf of the Citizens
for Clean Elections coalition. The Speaker indicated that he was reluctant
to put the bill up for a vote because of concerns raised by House members, but
because he believes the Clean Elections concept has merit he was willing to try
and work out the kinks to overcome Delegates’ objections.
Delegate Amores agreed to rework the bill in House Judiciary, and both he and
the Speaker deserve credit for their commitment to develop and advance public
policy to change the way we finance elections in West Virginia.
We consider this a positive step, as the debate over this much needed reform
will continue, and we remain optimistic that we will get a Clean Elections pilot
Although the vote has been delayed, your calls are more important than ever!
Many legislators are on the fence and a few calls or personal letters from
constituents can make all the difference. The importance of legislators hearing
from you can not be stressed enough. Our friends in the House say they are
hearing from their colleagues that their constituents wouldn’t support
publicly financed elections. Ironically, many legislators object to sing
taxpayers’ money to fund elections which would benefit everyone, but last year
nearly all the incumbent members of the House voted to give nearly $800,000 to a
golf course to benefit West Virginia’s elite.
In a time of budget deficits, lawmakers have legitimate concerns about how
much publicly-financed elections might cost the state but doing a pilot project
is a very conservative approach and the cost will be capped at $500,000 – that’s
28 cents per state resident – less than the price of a first class stamp!
Please keep those calls and letters coming. Tell legislators to keep the money
it would cost to send you a letter response to your call or letter and put the
money toward cleaning up elections in West Virginia.
Be sure to check the Citizens for Clean Elections website for the latest –