Clean Elections in the News
(Archive - 2005, 2004, 2003)

Current News - 2012
Archive 2011
Archive 2010
Archive 2009
Archive 2008
Archive 2007
Archive 2006
Archive - 2003-2005
12-28 Senator pushes publicly funded races

Two-pronged finance reform could ease voter cynicism

12-2 It Takes a Statehouse Scandal
11-29 A Growing Wariness About Money in Politics
11-27 Coal has given millions to candidates, report says
10-15 Byrd adds nearly $1 million to 2006 campaign chest
10-7 Caring For Creation
10-3 Ireland seeks help on finance laws
10-3 Reform Institute Applauds Passage of 527 Reform in West Virginia
10-3 Election Reform Coalition Praises Landmark Bill Passed in Special Session
10-2 Passage of landmark reform bill deserves praise
9-29 W.Va. takes different approach toward attack ads
9-24 Chief Justice says he favors continued partisan election
9-24 Bar votes for appointment of Supreme Court justices
9-24 Benjamin shows need for judicial selection reform
9-23 Lobbyists spend nearly $70,000, reports disclose
9-15 Campaign law breaks new ground; Bill limiting 527 spending faces constitutional test
9-14 Pay raises, election reform are OK'd
9-5 Kessler Urges Campaign Spending Focus
9-1 Deep-pockets influence: Election finance reform could limit negative campaigning
8-11 State Lobbyists Near the $1 Billion Mark
8-20 527s; Reform of law would level election playing field
8-11 Kessler: It's Time to Crack Down on 527s
8-6 Cost of Judicial Races Stirs Reformers
6-28 2004 Supreme Court race was nation’s most negative
6-2 Optical-scan voting system is a better choice for Kanawha
4-25 Get coal cash out of politics
4-17 Tired of political prostitution going on
4-14 This Year's Session Underlines Need for Fair and Clean Elections  Update by Janet Fout
3-31 Clean Elections Bill Dies Undeserved Death  Update by Julie Archer
3-25 Campaign Finance Reform  Update by Julie Archer
3-18 Fate of Campaign Finance Reforms Rests with Senate Judiciary  Update by Julie Archer
3-11 Campaign Finance Measures on Hold  Update by Julie Archer
3-11 Court Dismisses Lawsuit against Arizona Clean Elections Law
3-4 Support Urged for Voter-Owned Elections!  Update by Julie Archer
3-4 Movement Expected on 527 Legislation Update By Julie Archer  Background on Legislation to Regulate 527s/Soft Money in West Virginia Elections
3-2 Governor holds on to coalition, momentum
3-1 Public-funded elections bill advances
2-25 Improving a Good Bill - Clean Elections Bill Being Cleaned Up  Update By Julie Archer
2-25 The Road to Clean Elections
2-23 Caputo offers bill to provide funds for campaigning
2-18 Clean Elections Passes Judiciary Committee  Update by Norm Steenstra
2-18 Public campaign financing pilot project goes to House
2-18 Clean elections - Noble undertaking
2-17 Bill would curb influence of election contributors
2-11 Clean Elections Pilot Project on Track  - WV Clean Elections Update  Update by Julie Archer
2-8 Election bills gain committee’s endorsement
2-8 Panel wants $1,000 limit for contributions to 527s
2-7 Coalition Supports Legislative Recommendation for Campaign Finance Reform  Update by Julie Archer and Dennis Sparks
2-5 A Quiet Revolution In Business Lobbying; Chamber of Commerce Helps Bush Agenda
2-4 Making Elections Fair and Clean in West Virginia - WV Clean Elections Update
2-3 This state deserves clean, fair elections by Rev. Dennis D. Sparks, executive director of the West Virginia Council of Churches.
2-2 Response to editorial in The Dominion Post by Mary Wildfire
1-17-05 Coal, doctors' groups donated to anti-McGraw effort; Massey President Donald Blankenship remains largest donor
10-15 Brent Benjamin raking in heaviest contributions
10-12 Ireland priorities: Updated voting machines, anti-fraud
6-4 -04 The Patriot amendment; Conservatives attempt to kill clean elections in Arizona
2-23-04 Senate committee endorses public election bill
8-4-03 Citizens for Clean Elections hosts Ms. Cecilia Martinez, Executive Director of The Reform Institute, as an “ambassador” for Clean Elections

Voter-Owned Elections

Citizens for Clean Elections P.O. Box 6753 Huntington, WV 25773-6753 304-522-0246